
This is some kind of duplicate the thread from general discussion threads, but I was told it could be usefull to put it here. My original post will be on the bottom of this message.

In short way I would like to point situation as we having now with radar/scan system :

1. Scanning is almost useless - only thing that it does now is showing ships in short radius.

2. Scanning modules for ships are useless. I wonder if somebody use that now.

Why I am complaning about it? It's just scanning...

Well, for me when it comes to SCAN system, you should ask yourself a question : What should be the purpose of scanning? My answer is : to check what my opponents has ( what ships, what weapons on it, ect) to prepare myself in case of war. This will allow me to act strategical. I see that AI near my borders goes into Kinetic ships, I am starting to build counter ships to this. I hope You got my point.

Now, You have situation that You have no idea what AI builds, till You encounter him. For me that is a bit silly, couse this is strategic game after all, and building ships and research military tech in blindness way is a bit illogical and wird.

My suggestions:

1. Scanning system should have like 3-4 levels ( tiers ). Each level should provide some additional info like :

a. basic info about fleet - fleet power/ command points

b. info about ships - how many / what kind

c. info about specific weapons/shields on ships

That just my humble suggestions smiley: smile.


Original thread https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/27-general/thread/10056-radar-scan-system