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Combine some notify events

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11 years ago
Apr 18, 2013, 6:42:15 PM
Sometimes you get alot of messages in game. For example 1 fleet commander could get into a fight against 10 enemy fleets, win them all and get promoted 7 levels, each giving a new notify message. Other is after researching luxury resources and minerals, you get 1 notify event for each. We could combine them a little me thinks.

- All level promotions for same commander should be shown as 1 message only. This message should tell how many skill points he has to spend, and show the realtime value. If the player forgets to dismiss the message, he could still quickly see that he's dealt with, and dismiss it without opening the details first.

- Remove old resource messages, replace with 2 new ones:

1) "New resources in use": For example if you research Titanium and you own 2 planets that has it, then those 2 are listed here, along with all your planets that have in this turn gained usable resources.

2) "New resources available": Lets take Titanium example again, but this time it's on your system, you just don't have that planet colonized yet. It is listed in this message.

(You will no longer be notified of resources that you have researched, and are not found in any of your systems. I don't find that information useful, as you can check those from the research message, and galaxy map when you're thinking of expanding.)
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 7:49:51 PM
Happened to watch some "Lets Play" video where he used right-click on the message icon to hide them. Didn't know such action exists, very useful.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 9:03:08 PM
Zaflis wrote:
Happened to watch some "Lets Play" video where he used right-click on the message icon to hide them. Didn't know such action exists, very useful.
Hmm, I'll have to check that out.
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