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Forbidden Planet Anomaly

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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 5:18:51 PM
You know the one. Submitted for your approval. There are just so many possibilities for this, even I find it difficult to choose. This is therefore, meant as a guideline or springboard for collaboration.

  • There can only be one Forbidden Planet Anomaly per game.
  • The Behemoth class ship mentioned below is, oh I don't know, 5 times the size of a dreadnought. Too big? Twice, three times as big as a dreadnought?
  • The Behemoth ship is named "Monsters from the Id".
  • The Behemoth ship cannot be destroyed but disappears after the battle. It will appear as a shimmering visage.
  • The Behemoth's weapons systems may need to be play-balanced. A starting suggestion is, it's armed with 50-100 of each type of weapon system at the same level as the target race.

Before Colonization:

  • Mouse Help: An Endless wonder has been found on this planet. It is "powered by "9,200 thermonuclear reactors".
  • Effects: Unknown

When Colonized:

An Interactive Colonization Event will occur (similar to an interactive exploration event) providing the player with three choices. Should the planet/system be captured by another, the interactive event is re-triggered for the new owner, ad infinitum.

Method 1


The Endless wonder found on this planet is "powered by "9,200 thermonuclear reactors", fully automated. The complex is massive in scale. Evidently the science team that discovered this Endless wonder has the "skillzzz to pay the billzzz". While they may not fully grasp the mechanics behind this technology, they were able to determine its intended purpose and provide for positive outcomes.

Event Option:

  • Selfish:

    • Mouse Help: You'll be able to retire in no time...
    • Additional Effects: +10 FIDS per turn on system.

  • Helpful:

    • Mouse Help: Your enemies won't know what hit them. Neither will your friends. This may not stop them but it will certainly keep them busy.
    • Additional Effects: Every 6th turn a psychic projection destroys a random improvement of any other race, including allies. (The system but must be known.)

  • Hostile:

    • Mouse Help: It's nice to have an unstoppable death machine. Just hope your allies don't find out.
    • Additional Effects: Every 10th turn a psychic projection of an Endless Behemoth class ship will randomly attack a fleet of any other race (including allies). (Fleets must be located in known systems.)

  • [/LIST]


    • Effects:

      • 1. +20 FIDS per turn on system.
      • 2. & 3. The psychic projection only attacks races whose political status is cold or war. (Fleets must be located in known systems.)
    • Cost: 1150 I
    • Requirements: Siderite
    • Description:

      • 1. While understanding the dynamics of thermonuclear reactors is apparent to your scientists, truly autonomous and self contained reactors are not. Furthermore, the concepts of psychic manipulation are still in their infancy. A subtle and careful understanding and manipulation of this laboratory should double its capability.
      • 2. & 3. Further study and careful manipulation of the laboratory can better focus the psychic projection. Your friends will be relieved, and they will find out... eventually.

    Perhaps the above didn't hit the nail on the head. These alternate methods additionally provide new opportunities.

  • A method could be randomly chosen per game.
  • A method could be chosen based upon the discoverer's science capability. (I like this one.)
  • A method could be chosen and the others ignored.
  • A single new method could be derived from parts of each.
  • Different effects might be entirely proposed...

  • [/list]

    It might also be nice to change some of the effects based upon difficulty. And/Or in the case of option two above, change the science requirement based upon difficulty.

    Method 2


    The Endless wonder found on this planet is "powered by "9,200 thermonuclear reactors", fully automated. The complex is massive in scale. Your science team should have stayed in bed. They have managed, carelessly, to set this device on a course of destruction for your empire.

    Event Option:

  • Selfish:

    • Mouse Help: Leaders are known to take risks and are more than capable of surviving them. While they selflessly sacrifice themselves, your empire can grow strong.
    • Additional Effects: Every 10th turn a hero is attacked and injured by a psychic projection.

  • Helpful:

    • Mouse Help: Your fleets are strong. None can stand against them. They can be repaired and no lives are lost.
    • Additional Effects: Every 10th turn a psychic projection sabotages one fleet of the owners race.

  • Hostile:

    • Mouse Help: This ship, the "Monsters of the Id" cannot stand against your military. This will certainly prove to be valuable training and cull the weakest from your fleets.
    • Additional Effects: Every 10th turn a psychic projection of an Endless Behemoth class ship attacks a random fleet of the owners race.

  • [/LIST]


    • Effects:

      • The psychic projections stop.
      • The planet blows up. (Could create an asteroid field.)

    • Cost: 1150 I
    • Requirements: Siderite
    • Description:

      • OOPS.

    Method 3


    The Endless wonder found on this planet is "powered by "9,200 thermonuclear reactors", fully automated. The complex is massive in scale. The outcome of interacting with this device could have been worse. Although, your science team did manage to mitigate the dangers, somewhat.

    Event Option:

  • Selfish:

    • Mouse Help: You're wealthy. Whats a few FIDS between friends? Sometimes you have to take a loss to make a profit.
    • Additional Effects: -10 FIDS per turn on planet resulting from psychic sabotage.

  • Helpful:

    • Mouse Help: Measures to ensure the safety of your populace and those directly responsible for the daily operations of the system improvements are in place. An improvement can be rebuilt after all.
    • Additional Effects: -5 morale on system. Every 6th turn a psychic projection destroys a random improvement in this system.

  • Hostile:

    • Mouse Help: Children will learn to obey their parents. Fear will sweep your subjects. They will know it is you who sealed their fate. But hey, they breed like rabbits anyway.
    • Additional Effects: -5 morale on empire. Every 6th turn a psychic projection kills one population in any owner system (with at least 2 pop).

  • [/LIST]


    • Effects:

      • +10 IS per turn on planet.
      • The psychic projections stop. And you didn't have to blow up the planet.

    • Cost: 1150 I
    • Requirements: Siderite
    • Description:

      • 1. Further study and careful manipulation of the laboratory will disable negative psychic phenomena. Furthermore, your scientists will be able to restore some of the device's originally intended functionality.
      • 2. & 3. Further study and careful manipulation of the laboratory will disable the psychic projection and morale will be restored. Furthermore, your scientists will be able to restore some of the device's originally intended functionality.

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    11 years ago
    Apr 27, 2013, 1:14:17 AM
    stasik28 wrote:
    Sounds like a Master of Orion type of situation with SoTS2 ship class smiley: stickouttongue
    Yup. We're all trying to re-live some prior gaming experience. Endless Space can achieve that with a few tiny changes, but at the same time, advance the overall cause and improve the genre with their own innovation.

    I haven't enjoyed a space 4x game this much since Ascendancy in the 90's. They are different yet similar. Neither is a perfect game, but both struck a cord for me. I still play Ascendancy on my ipad.
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    11 years ago
    Apr 27, 2013, 2:01:47 AM
    Oh did you put it on iPad or did they port it over?

    Edit: nvm, saw on it's wiki it was ported over. I luv 4x games :>
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    11 years ago
    Apr 27, 2013, 1:04:49 PM
    stasik28 wrote:
    Sounds like a Master of Orion type of situation with SoTS2 ship class smiley: stickouttongue
    Not sure what MOO situation you are referring to. This game already references dreadnaught or larger Endless ships but the Psychic Projection doesn't have to be a dreadnaught class ship. It actually might be better to have a single cruiser class ship. Although, my interpretation of Forbidden Planet is similar to the SotS random event, but only in the case of the psychic projection attacking fleets and only because I refer to this as a larger than Dreadnaught class ship.

    If you don't like/approve of the psychic projection attacking ships, take it out. Then there is no semblance to anything MOO2 or SotS. If a cruiser class psychic projection is used to attack fleets then this would be truer to Forbidden Planet and also not like SotS.

    If anyone has never even seen the movie Forbidden Planet, then I would recommend it, especially before commenting. If no one trusts my recommendation, then ask someone they know who has watched the original movie.
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    11 years ago
    Apr 28, 2013, 1:00:15 AM
    It's like MOO2 when you find Orion, and it has the Guardian there destroying your first few ships.

    And I think it'll be easier to give a summary of the movie because a movie from 1956 won't be easy to find :P
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    11 years ago
    Apr 28, 2013, 1:49:57 AM
    RasterOps wrote:
    Not sure what MOO situation you are referring to. This game already references dreadnaught or larger Endless ships but the Psychic Projection doesn't have to be a dreadnaught class ship. It actually might be better to have a single cruiser class ship. Although, my interpretation of Forbidden Planet is similar to the SotS random event, but only in the case of the psychic projection attacking fleets and only because I refer to this as a larger than Dreadnaught class ship.

    If you don't like/approve of the psychic projection attacking ships, take it out. Then there is no semblance to anything MOO2 or SotS. If a cruiser class psychic projection is used to attack fleets then this would be truer to Forbidden Planet and also not like SotS.

    If anyone has never even seen the movie Forbidden Planet, then I would recommend it, especially before commenting. If no one trusts my recommendation, then ask someone they know who has watched the original movie.

    Sorry bud, but I will not watch a movie that came out that long ago. I absolutely refuse to watch that junk. I live in the here and now. If the movie was THAT good, they would remake it. I can barely stomach movies from the late 60's. Now if we want to talk about a movie that stands the test of time... Blazing Saddles. But, that's a whole other topic.

    On another note, yes there are plenty of similarities to MOO2 and Sots 1, though both of those games could have gotten the original idea from that movie, it still doesn't change the fact that the similarities exist.
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    11 years ago
    Apr 28, 2013, 6:18:12 PM
    Wow. I like it. smiley: approval
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    11 years ago
    Apr 29, 2013, 2:58:17 PM
    I recently watched Forbidden Planet again, this year (cable TV and it can be rented...). It is a classic. It is that good but again that's my opinion and YOU (anyone and everyone) should ask someone they know who has seen the movie. To judge something as "junk" without any knowledge is, well... Plus, a remake is planned.

    Without knowing the story comparisons are vague. My point is, how could anyone who has not seen the movie properly collaborate and determine if my interpretation is on/off target (within the precepts of the game)?
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    11 years ago
    Apr 29, 2013, 4:10:06 PM
    RasterOps wrote:
    I recently watched Forbidden Planet again, this year (cable TV and it can be rented...). It is a classic. It is that good but again that's my opinion and YOU (anyone and everyone) should ask someone they know who has seen the movie. To judge something as "junk" without any knowledge is, well... Plus, a remake is planned.

    Without knowing the story comparisons are vague. My point is, how could anyone who has not seen the movie properly collaborate and determine if my interpretation is on/off target (within the precepts of the game)?

    Indeed. I never suggested that it was bad, I just listed the criteria to a movie that I would watch. I don't like old movies. I live in the here and now. But that's just me.
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