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Repair System Revamp

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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 7:55:22 PM
I've recently been seeing some complaints about how the only quick way to repair ships is to take them INTO combat and use nano-repair. I can say that this does bother me a lot. With that, I would like to propose the idea of industry-style repairs.

My idea is this: When you bring a damaged ship into a system you control, you can make repairing the ship an item for the system's production queue, just like building an improvement. You could set it so that 1 smiley: industry restores 10 smiley: healthpoints or some other ratio. As usual, the remainder can be bought out. Ideally, you could cancel the process midway and still have a partial repair, but it would still be okay if you had to take an "all or nothing" approach.

Conversely, Nano-Repairs would be nerfed.

Not only would this be a more realistic repair system, but it would encourage more realistic military campaigns. Long distance attacks would become harder since the defender would be closer to his/her own "repair" systems. Fleets, as in real life, would occasionally need to return to a base in order to be repaired, preventing fleets from "camping" a certain system on the other side of the galaxy for 37 turns without ever returning to the empire. Finally, it means that wars would be much more serious (read realistic) commitments for a faction; It wouldn't just be a matter of 1 self-sustaining uber-fleet laying waste to entire factions.

What do you think?
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 8:14:42 PM
I remeber this being suggested before, I also support this version as well.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 12:21:17 AM
I think this would be a great idea. Though there should probably be a buy-out option to repair based on the HP ratio. Though the nano-repairs as is fair.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 12:24:59 AM
IMO nano repairs need to stay the same strengthish to be useful, but not have its repairs stay outside of battle.
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 3:39:45 PM
I'd be more inclined to just give them a repair boost while in a system hanger, rather than add another piece to the industry queue. However, if this idea is implemented, I would like to see a refit option as well, where you can spend industry to refit fleets instead of only dust.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 3:09:39 PM
I think this nano-repairs should be fix. But idea to manage repairs of every fleet after every combat will add too many monotonous operation into game.
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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 9:47:32 PM
It is a bit embarrassing but for my first could games I did not see the scroll bar on the utility mods and did not add any of the repair modules at all, or any of the ones listed bellow the cut, for custom ships. The outcome is that I did not have any repairs other then the basic and combat cards. It really skewed my use of cards towards engineering-nano-repairs but less so after I actually added some repair bits. So after my experience I would advocate a slight buff of static repairs, a slight nerf of nano-repairs cards, and sublte tweek of the utility mods UI for silly people like me who missed the other options.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:16:12 PM
Nekosama wrote:
and sublte tweek of the utility mods UI for silly people like me who missed the other options.

Yes, Ive been rallying for an improved UI since I started playing. There are so many enhancements they can make to reduce the barrier to new players and to generally improve the game experience. Every time its met with the same response: UI cannot be changed as its coded at the core level of the game
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 5:02:39 AM
i don't think it's the best, still if you can use nano to repair during the war instantly and free of charge, why can't i do the same after battle? there is nothing can explain that, simply increase the self repair rate to 10%, and make repair module more efficient during non battle time, and decrease the nano repair to 10% then it will make more sense.a very simple mod will do the trick.
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12 years ago
Feb 8, 2013, 3:42:08 PM
just make the Nano Repair as an emergency fix, like morphine on human >_>

game need to check the amount of HP that ship have when entered battle then heal it for % amount of hp that it have, if it come with 1,000/1,200HP

then it will heal for 200HP but can't go over 1,000.
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11 years ago
May 10, 2013, 12:28:11 AM
I agree, free repair during combat is nonsense - it should be an advanced hero ability worth a tons of dust...
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