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Still no community suggestion updates/revisions after all this time?

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11 years ago
May 9, 2013, 12:45:12 PM
Been ages away. What a joke these things have not been updated for more than 8 months! I came back to see if anything had changed here since Ive been away and nothing has!


Whatever happened to this game and community involvement? Is every available resource being put onto the expansion pack or something? What happened to finishing the base game first? No way I am buying an expansion when I havent even got my moneys worth out of the main game. Shocking how quickly this whole community involvement thing for the main game has disappeared now that some extra income is involved via selling an expansion.

I know a few free updates were released but none of them were very interesting, they were all pretty lame. Non addessed the need for some 'soul' in the game.

What a shame anyway, I loved this game when it came out and showed loads of promise.
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11 years ago
May 9, 2013, 1:16:46 PM
The devs have repeatably told us that everything not pertaining to the Expansion will have to wait until after the expansion. From what we gather, they are on a very tight production schedule. (And they are still celebrating holidays this week lol)
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11 years ago
May 9, 2013, 1:43:55 PM
i think you judge a bit to hard.

its and independent studio which does it job very decent in comparison to big studios,

i just ask you where you get all that stuff and service u are demanding here?

so far as i can tell you will not find a studio which does more for the community or does it better.
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11 years ago
May 13, 2013, 1:43:32 PM
We did take into account the community suggestions, which we track down on our "improvement list". Most of the suggestions made by the community have been either considered / implemented in the previous free add-ons, or rejected (in the sense that it is not in our vision, or not doable).

We did consider everybody's ideas and had plenty of meetings to discuss them. Take this thread for example. There is so much content (most of the time redundant as well), that we have not indeed taken the time to reply to all the ideas. We do read what you suggest, there is no doubt about that.
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