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Re-ocurring Events

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11 years ago
Jun 19, 2013, 10:26:27 PM
I would ike to see events like that in Shogun TW 1 where the game would anounce who had the largesta rmy, the richest clan etc.

This event can ocur multiple times and could bestow a continous bonus.

The bonus should be somewhat damaging as associated with being world-leading can sometimes be,

Most advanced cvilisation, most scientiffic discoveries.

Glorious, most refined ruler. Seekers of knowledge from all over the galaxy finds themselves at our doorstep, minds of a generation flock to our banners to learn of our ways. Unfortunately they also bring their disgusting and treacherous ways!

Minds of a generation: Science +10%. Light of the galaxy: Influence radius +10% Forgein devils!: Happines -10% Envious neighbours: -10% diplomatic relations. Monopolies Dust-10%

Largest fleet

Death to our enemies great spac-kahn! Our enemies tremble before our military might! Rulers far beyond our borders tremble in fear of the indominable force under your command. Your admirals stand ready and rabidly eager at your command for some big guns diplomacy!

Parade duty: Flet upkeep +10% By Jingo!: Diplomatic relations +10% Proud traditions: Ship xp +10%

Highest per-turn income

Exalted executive director! Repports from all over the galaxy places us at No.1 richest civilisation! Our stockmarket rushes and your personal stock jumped over 9000 points! The market is in an uproar!

Invissible hand: Dust +10% Speculation bubble: Cost of improvements +10%

Happiest population

Beloved and benevolent ruler, your people just wants to let you know how much they love and respect you, and that total anarchy is merely four meals away...

Food -10% Dust+5% Science +5% Production +5%
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11 years ago
Jun 20, 2013, 1:50:57 AM
Similar to what you'd see in Galactic Civilizations? (the messages, not the effects :P)
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11 years ago
Jun 20, 2013, 12:21:55 PM
Havent played GC, but I think this kind of messages exist in many 4X games.
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11 years ago
Jun 20, 2013, 5:53:34 PM
Obak wrote:
Havent played GC, but I think this kind of messages exist in many 4X games.

with good reason.
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