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New Random Events

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11 years ago
Jun 20, 2013, 12:49:42 PM
Hello again folks, just thought I´d dump a bundle of random events.

Violent fanatics

A warlike cult of religious fanatics have begun to gain influence within our empire. Rallying the masses with cries of returning to 'the old ways' and demanding govermental action against 'the impurities of our age' they threathen to interfere with the running of the empire lest we take immediate action!

Friendly: We can control them! Happiness -20% Influence +10% as the leaders are given prime-time on our informtion network.

Selfish: Politics of appeasement: Sience -20% Adress their grievances: Cost of building ships -10%

Hostile: I am the law! 4 pirate fleets appear in a random system


Leader, our scouts have made contact with a group of escaped alien slaves claiming to be of a religious minority, fleeing persecution. Their ships are in a decrepit state and will not be able to leave our system, how shall we respond to their plea for asylum?

Friendly: Give me your tierd, your poor, your huddled masses: Population +5 in one system. Strange ways: Happiness -25% Integration policy Dust -20%

Selfish: Spies the lot of them! Population +3 in one system Off to labour camp! Industry +10%

Hostile: Throw them to the lions! Happines +20%

Native Trouble

Great leader, one of our miningoperations reports a large deposit of valuable, nigh unobtainable elements on one of our collonies. The only problem is that the largest deposit is located under a gigantic tree settled by hostile blue-skinned natives. Since these savages holds no concept of private ownership, all atempts to buy them off their lands with shiny baubles have proven futile.

Friendly: We can learn so much from them: Happiness +10% Dust -20%

Selfish: Send in an infiltrator and hope he doesn't go native! Dust -10%

Hostile: The only good blue-skins are dead! Happiness -20% Dust +20%
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11 years ago
Jun 26, 2013, 12:48:29 PM
"Native Trouble"...

yeah riiight smiley: sarcastic

No, seriously, I like the ideas. It bugged me a little that after some time, you literally run out of random events that add a little sugar and spice to the game... Keep 'em rolling!
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