Hi. I got the game 2 days ago and noticed some difficulties when trading technologies to other players or the KI.

If you trade Tech you can only see the overall description and commonly one or two other tech names associated with it which give the benefits. But as long as you don't know the tech tree well (especially as new player) it's hard to tell what exactly you will get or give away. So my suggestion is to display the "sub-techs" with details so everyone immediately knows what they get or give.

Example: Instead of just displaying:

"Applied Casimir Effect - After decades with plates of the right size, material, and distance the vacuum energy created through the quantum mechanics of the Casimir Effect can finally be exploited as an energy source."

the tooltip could show the additional Techs Icon and benefits like shown in the tech tree.


Total Hull Integrity (Passive)


Unlocks Space Travel Through Wormholes.


Colonization Program (Passive)


-22% Expansion Disapproval on System

This would make it much clearer and easier to tell what you are offered or give away.