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More Interactive Cold War

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11 years ago
Jul 2, 2013, 1:09:54 AM
Mercenaries, Spies, and Assassins

I think the way cold war is used now is kinda lame. If we were able to make real cargo and cargo ships, we could have hired mercenaries hijack trade ships. This would obviously hurt relations, but at least it would hurt a faction without going to war. You don't even have to make spectacular, just make something happen by chance. Hire a merc and depending on certain cercomstances, he has a pass/fail chance of succeeding. Maybe if the two factions were on good terms but not allies, the merc would have a better chance to succeed. The target faction would not be expecting it as much. You could do this for spying and even sabotage.

If you've ever played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or Revelations, you find recruits in the world and use them for behind the scene missions. You just send your assassin's on missions and they tell a very basic objective. The only real reason for this in the game is to help build up your recruits XP. But other than that, it's really basic. They're given a percentage to succeed based on their XP. You could also add multiple recruits to add to the success rate.

This could all be done with the most basic stuff. Just add another screen like diplomacy window. Have it for hiring mercs, spys, and assassins. You could even have it similar to how we have heroes. Send your guys on missions, end of turn, popup message whether they succeeded or not. Maybe even add a bit of fluff as to what happened on their mission, like how they achieved success.

This would definitely add another dimension to the game IMO. That and *cough* space stations.
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11 years ago
Jul 2, 2013, 11:00:49 AM
I liked spies in Master of Orion 2 and Galactic Civilizations 2. smiley: smile

So far the only thing like this was when I discovered some Leaders have talents to steal Dust or Research points from other systems (which was not very clear in the German client until I found it in the overview of my empire in the research points tooltip, I thought he would steal Techs not researchpoints).

But "real" spies to sabotage ships or systems or steal technology would be nice.

(oh, and I loved space stations and planetary defenses, too. smiley: wink)
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11 years ago
Jul 2, 2013, 2:13:56 PM
I have made posts about spys in the past.

TO put it shortly, having a spy system like GC2 or MOO2 is really fekking stupid for a galactic empire.
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