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Hot new Ideas! Suggestions and "Requests"

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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 3:10:47 PM
So, when the game was announced i immediately went out and bought the special edition for me and my friend, while he didn't play it once i have fallen in love with the game, Tho as i play the game i see things that are missing or i wish that the makers would implement into the game, specially now with the DLC, so here are my suggestions and requests.

1. Customizable "Governors"

The settings to have your planets automate them self is good and all but i find them all lacking badly, it eventually gets around to building what is needed but then that's it, it doesn't build any defensive structures or anything. But in short it would be wonderful to have a way to build a list that the computer/AI that governs the planets automatically would read and build what is on the list, in the order it is in and use the the perfected exploration for the planet type that you choose.

So for say, i want the Industrial exploration for all my planets regardless of they're type it would just put industrial exploration on all types.

Also be great if you could have it where when technology becomes available that the AI will terraform the planet into that type of planet.

2. Custom Ship Class Bonuses.

Having bonuses on the ship classes are great but I personally would like to customize what ship gets what bonus.

So in short, have a set number of bonuses, for say 5 sets of bonuses (like -75% to fighter/bomber tonnage usage or -50% tonnage use on weapons) and allow us to select what class of ship we want it on and by selecting that ship the bonus is no longer available to other ship classes or maybe even having ability points we can put onto each ship and give them a set of different bonuses.

3. Resource Revamp.

Instead of having it where you get a planet with the resource on it and have unlimited access to it, have it where every so many turns you get a unit of that resource and when you build a ship that needs it you lose one of it from your stocks, the total amount of course in limitless but it would make it where we could only field so many stronger ships at a given time with out stock piling said resources.

4. Fight/Bomber Research/Customization.

Adding research that adds new components to add or change your fighter/bombers with, for example, maybe you want your fighters to have kinetic weapons instead of lasers or vise verse or even dd different types of armor that either allow more hp or more agile and less hp or more fire power and less of one of the two. And for the Bombers, have different type of armor as well as different type of bombs/missiles and maybe even have a technology that allows them to have a small point defense or tail gunner to help them fight off fighters.

Well that is really all that is on my mind right now about this game, it is time for me to go back to my hard game and try and eat back the carvers and micro-managing my planets because the automation settings suck.
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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 6:03:34 PM
5. Auto-Merging ships into fleets... I've wanted to be able to do that since ever. Also I'd like to have a bigger window for the queue in system view. All the screen is filled with nice 3d-graphics but the thing that's actually interesting and I have to work with is 4 lines. -_-

6. In manual combat view I want to see all ships... The old list could show like 12, the new list shows 5, which is even less. I don't get why the space there was reduced. If somone doesn't want to see them, he can already hide the GUI.
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11 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 7:41:03 PM
I am new to this game and only tried Disharmony, no experience in 'classic' Endless Space. That said, there is a lot of unnecessary micromanagement and some awkward design blunders in this game and I have a few ideas how to tackle the problems and streamline the gameplay experience:

1. Rally points for freshly built ships. Making it so that new ships automatically fly to the designated system. This would be a huge timesaver! Going to hangar, creating fleet, setting autopilot for a system - the whole process completely automated.

2. The fleet window is far too small, scrolling it up and down to merge a large fleet from one ship fleets takes time which could be saved simply by having the window scale automatically depending on the number of items and giving it scrollbar only if the list is too long to fit on screen. Anyone with 768 pixels or more vertical resolution has plenty of screen estate for a list of 20 entries. Seriously, why is the window fixed size and shows no more than four and a half items at a time? What were the developers smoking when they came up with this - I want to know so I can avoid inhaling any of that wretched stuff! smiley: yell

3. ETA for fleets in numeric format is nowhere to be found, why not add it to the fleet tooltip so it can be seen on mouse hover with no need to click the fleet and count the dots.

4. It is nice how the information on the system nametags get slimmer by each notch of zoom out. This could be improved further with an additional zoom level. Instead of going straight to the final zoom level which has all map information stripped and shows only the stars and the galaxy there should be an intermediate level where the nametags are dropped but fleets, empire spheres of influence, wormholes and cosmic strings are still visible. This would be helpful for seeing the big picture.
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11 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 12:39:25 AM
Seldion wrote:
So, when the game was announced i immediately went out and bought the special edition for me and my friend, while he didn't play it once i have fallen in love with the game, Tho as i play the game i see things that are missing or i wish that the makers would implement into the game, specially now with the DLC, so here are my suggestions and requests.

1. Customizable "Governors"

The settings to have your planets automate them self is good and all but i find them all lacking badly, it eventually gets around to building what is needed but then that's it, it doesn't build any defensive structures or anything. But in short it would be wonderful to have a way to build a list that the computer/AI that governs the planets automatically would read and build what is on the list, in the order it is in and use the the perfected exploration for the planet type that you choose.

So for say, i want the Industrial exploration for all my planets regardless of they're type it would just put industrial exploration on all types.

Also be great if you could have it where when technology becomes available that the AI will terraform the planet into that type of planet.

2. Custom Ship Class Bonuses.

Having bonuses on the ship classes are great but I personally would like to customize what ship gets what bonus.

So in short, have a set number of bonuses, for say 5 sets of bonuses (like -75% to fighter/bomber tonnage usage or -50% tonnage use on weapons) and allow us to select what class of ship we want it on and by selecting that ship the bonus is no longer available to other ship classes or maybe even having ability points we can put onto each ship and give them a set of different bonuses.

3. Resource Revamp.

Instead of having it where you get a planet with the resource on it and have unlimited access to it, have it where every so many turns you get a unit of that resource and when you build a ship that needs it you lose one of it from your stocks, the total amount of course in limitless but it would make it where we could only field so many stronger ships at a given time with out stock piling said resources.

4. Fight/Bomber Research/Customization.

Adding research that adds new components to add or change your fighter/bombers with, for example, maybe you want your fighters to have kinetic weapons instead of lasers or vise verse or even dd different types of armor that either allow more hp or more agile and less hp or more fire power and less of one of the two. And for the Bombers, have different type of armor as well as different type of bombs/missiles and maybe even have a technology that allows them to have a small point defense or tail gunner to help them fight off fighters.

Well that is really all that is on my mind right now about this game, it is time for me to go back to my hard game and try and eat back the carvers and micro-managing my planets because the automation settings suck.

1. Macro Que Commands, in other words. Agreed.

2. The purpose of having set Class bonuses is to keep the Affinities balanced. This would throw so many wrenches into the balancing process.

3. Been suggested many times by myself and others. Agreed.

4. That would be cool. Another ship customization screen for fighters and Bombers.


My list (Proceeding from Ail and Ambientia's lists)

11. Stop making smiley: tonnage requirements that have no business being based on %, use % as a deciding factor (ie, bombs and aircraft)

12. Aircraft Carrier Class: A class that has smiley: tonnage bonuses on aircraft and penalties on just about all other modules.

13. Allow outdated modules to be used on ships (or tell us why we cant use them, at least)

14. Fix the LR plasma visualization to be something more like a bomber's torpedoes. More like balls of plasma and less like lethargic, texture less, neon slugs lumbering across the void.
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11 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 1:49:56 AM
Once hangers stop being a % based mod, then EVERY class can be a carrier class.
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11 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 4:54:01 AM
If I may add ...

I have 8 slots in my Academy, and then 3 Heroes towards the middle-end of the game, that sit unused. I guess if one of my Heroes can die then great, but I've yet to have that happen. I also noticed a Steam achievement entitled, 'Graduation Day'. This is received for 'Leveling up a Hero to level 20'. So I thought, if they graduate, why are they still 'in the academy' and I am limited to just 8?

I propose that when Heroes reach say level 20( or even lower, like 15 ), they are no longer considered 'in the academy', and a slot for a new 'Hero-in-training' is opened.

Also, I am not sure who is in charge of the Steam Achievements, but shouldn't the one entitled, 'Cake[SUP]2[/SUP]', have the description say:


Clone Glados AI - by Adder

... instead of ...


Clone Galdos AI - by Adder

Or is that on purpose? It is GLaDOS from Portal, correct?

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11 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 10:11:03 AM
I have actually noticed that when I add the tonnage module to my ships, the tonnage of the other module goes up, so in turn I am really only able to maybe get one or two more onto my ships, also I found that having the trait for you're faction that adds more tonnage on you're ships is a waste as I can get the same amount modules on a ship with out it.

For the set bonuses on the ship classes to keep the affinities balanced, I was talking more about the ship classes, as I see no affinities that give any type of bonus to ships other then the Hisso.

But it would be cool to be able to make you're own custom affinities.

I agree, we do need rally points for newly made ships, maybe a way to have them when build they automatically go to a system, disband to the hanger so we can then make them into a new fleet at once.

As for the Aircraft Carrier, isn't that the destroyer class ship that gets the bonuses to that?

This is what I was talking about in my first post, I'd love to give the destroyer's bonus to the dreadnaught class ship.

As for heroes, when I wasn't playing with the Harmony Affinity, I could only get 2-4 Heroes as well but only due to the fact that they had useless classes, like Corporate and Commander, or Administer and Pilot, I used the head hunter traits but still got thees crappy combination, It would be cool if they added more class types, for say like General, this would be more geared around ground combat and boosting invasion and defense, Then you could add Scientist for the other one, that would be more geared around science, Then there could be Farmer, That is focused around food, and just make it where Corporate is focused on Trade and Dust and Administer is focused around building, Pilot is focused around fighter bonuses and cards and Commander is focused on the larger ships and such.


As for a continuation of the Fight/Bomber customization, The small crafts could also get a special slot like the one used for adding troops, small craft and point defense, This would allow us to add like extra armor plates, after burners for more evasion, plague bombs for the bombers to add population damage, AP rounds for the fighters to do more damage to other small craft or even add small missiles to the fighters for anti-bomber use and maybe a tail gunner for the bombers, while weak it is still something to help do some damage to the fighters.

Also on the note of custom "Governors" it would be nice if we could edit the tax rate for each planet instead of tax as a hole.
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11 years ago
Jul 18, 2013, 9:47:22 PM
Seldion wrote:

3. Resource Revamp.

Instead of having it where you get a planet with the resource on it and have unlimited access to it, have it where every so many turns you get a unit of that resource and when you build a ship that needs it you lose one of it from your stocks, the total amount of course in limitless but it would make it where we could only field so many stronger ships at a given time with out stock piling said resources.

Hey this is probably a quick fix to the screwed new ship design which has resources on all & every new ship part.
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11 years ago
Jul 19, 2013, 1:01:01 AM
Sven2157 wrote:
So I thought, if they graduate, why are they still 'in the academy' and I am limited to just 8?

I never even noticed they were listed as in-training. Still, 8 heroes seem plenty to me for a typical game. The last 3 don't come until late game anyways. Opening up the limit would probably only be meaningful if the dev also up the arrival rate.

Sven2157 wrote:
Also, I am not sure who is in charge of the Steam Achievements, but shouldn't the one entitled, 'Cake[SUP]2[/SUP]', have the description say:

... instead of ...

Or is that on purpose? It is GLaDOS from Portal, correct?


Its on purpose. See http://endlessspace.wikia.com/wiki/Hero_List search Galdos.

Regarding carriers. The real limiter right now for how we pick which chassis to use as a carrier is 1) fighter/bomber tonnage bonus 2) number of special slots per cp. And is limited by 3) the fact that fighter/bomber module has % tonnage.

If the dev makes a dedicated carrier chassis, I would suggest adding "specialized" special slots that can only carry fighter/bomber module. Perhaps at reduce tonnage (because they specialize in pack them like sardines).
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