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Some New Suggestions

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11 years ago
Jul 23, 2013, 2:02:36 AM
This one I think MAY be an oversight, but it be nice if empire events informed you of a system's successful capture. If you have more the one capture operation going on at a time, you may forget that you have seiged a system, and the first reminder you got is an empire status report listing a system with horrid approval you didn't ever know you had.

Somewhat related to this, it would be nice if something could be done with approval as a way of subtilly stealing an opponent's systems. For example, a Propoganda option that enables you to spend Dust on a turn by turn basis when causes an enemy system's approval to drop (the cost of this would be high for a system that is at 100% approval, to moderate at 50% or less, and low for 25% or less.) This continues until it hits 0%, in which time you can finally persuade them to join your empire for a one-time Dust payment, depending on how many citizens the system has, what improvements are built, and what the (starting) approval rate was for that system. Whalla, a new system gained without firing a shot and only a minimal effect on the race's opinion they have of you (they can't prove anything after all).

The same sort of thing of thing can be done to the player's systems, so that makes it more important to keep approval high. To counter this, in the Empire Screen, there would be an option to turn-by-turn pay a certain cost toward Internal Security, which lowers the success of enemy operations of this kind on player systems. Of course, it''s easier to keep happy people from rebelling, simply because they are content with their life, so it increases the incentive to keep Approval high. The higher Empire Approval is, the harder the AI should find it to attempt to co-opt your systems away from you.

Lastly a couple of ideas on Victory Conditions, it should be possible to win a Supremacy victory without conquering ALL race's homeworlds, so long as the remaining races are Allied to you.

It seems there is also room for a Subjugation option, where an AI opponent realizes it it overwhelmed and surrenders to you. These vassal races control their own planets and fleets, but tithe 50% of their Dust and Science production to you. This can be useful as a sort of Alliance at the point of a laser thing, and can save the nuisance of having to mop a lot of individual systems. For Victory conditions, should be the same as Alliance, except these vassals contribute 100% of their territory toward the Expansion victory.

Would like to hear what you have to say, and God bless.
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11 years ago
Jul 23, 2013, 2:46:59 AM
I really dislike the Propoganda idea. Think of this scenario: you and an enemy planet linked together. You're deploying propaganda on him, lowering his approval... he's deploying propaganda on you, lowering your approval... doesn't that seem a bit odd? That you're using propaganda to lower his approval, but can't use it to raise your own?

The solution is then to allow you to use propaganda on your own people to raise approval. But now you're in a situation where building Approval-raising improvements is completely pointless. As long as you have a good economy, you can use the approval on yourself to raise approval, to raise taxes, to make more money to raise approval even more.

Also, it's not really a Supremacy victory if you haven't proved your supremacy over every other race by capturing their home planets.
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