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Suggestion: Some way to know about victory progress

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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 6:00:25 AM
Currently, there is no way to know about other factions victory progress, or your own victory progress. This is an odd oversight, and some sort of indication would be great.
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12 years ago
Mar 4, 2013, 8:49:21 AM
Each victory condition has a threshold at which others will be informed about it (if you hover over the icon-bar at the top, each one's tooltip will eventually start showing other people's progress). Economic victory shows up at 50%, Production victory shows up at 20% (so, after the first one, which is usually too late to do anything about considering you can buy them all out in a turn), no idea what the thresholds are on Supremacy/Expansion/Diplomacy, but they'll show up eventually. Science victory is the only one without any sort of notification at all.
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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 2:05:51 AM
RobM wrote:
Each victory condition has a threshold at which others will be informed about it (if you hover over the icon-bar at the top, each one's tooltip will eventually start showing other people's progress). Economic victory shows up at 50%, Production victory shows up at 20% (so, after the first one, which is usually too late to do anything about considering you can buy them all out in a turn), no idea what the thresholds are on Supremacy/Expansion/Diplomacy, but they'll show up eventually. Science victory is the only one without any sort of notification at all.

While true, there should be "one screen to rule them all!" (sorry, couldn't resist)

Also, there is no help for wonder victory and many of the rules for other victories are vague. What really adds to a diplomatic victory? It could all be much clearer on one screen that shows each victory condition with a modifier based on tech as to how accurate some of them are. It doesn't have to be exact, just give you an idea. Surely even a tech backward faction has a basic idea of where other factions are overall as an example.

I don't buy for a second that a faction can start the wonder building without a leak somewhere as another.
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 9:07:50 AM
I second the victory progress screen. I would also like to see it list the progress of all empires not just my rank. This is one of those things that help a new player understand how the game is played and not feel overwhelmed.
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11 years ago
Oct 29, 2013, 3:07:28 AM
Definitely needs a screen summarising Victory Progress. Perhaps when clicking the first icon which only seems to show scores when hovered over.

I just won Diplomatic without trying, I had no idea I was tracking towards it, and was concentrating my efforts else where.

Good game with plenty of promise but definitely needs polish.
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