I think it would be better to the 1st page of this forum, that I use a single post rather than a new post for each suggestion.

  • Technology Trading : When tech is given to another empire it should require time and resources to acquire. For example Empire1 gives a technology to Empire2. The total science to research it is now reduced by say 60% with Empire1 paying 20% or 30% of the reduced cost and Empire2 paying 80% or 70% of the reduced cost. The rationale behind this is that the empire that gives the technology has to invest some of their science resources to helping the receiving empire learn and understand the tech which results in the reduced cost to learn it. In addition a traded tech does not affect your current technology queue, rather it happens passively in the background and subtracts the needed science from your pool to finish the tech in a specified time frame. The level of the tech would determine the time in turns needed to fulfill the research trade. IE Turns Required to Trade Tech = 2. So 2 * TechLevel = Total Turns before the receiving Empire can use the Technology.

    Example : Botanical Scanning is a Tier 3 Tech traded to another Empire that normally costs 300 science to research. 300 * .6 = 180 , 300 - 180 = 120 as the new cost of the tech from trading, with the empire giving the tech paying 24 of those science points and the receiving empire paying 96 divided by the time it will take to research it. If we say 2 turns per tech level this tech would require 6 turns to complete with the empire giving the tech paying 4 science points a turn and the receiving empire paying 16 science points a turn. These points are taken from the science pool before being applied elsewhere and if there are multiple trades, you will need to either let players prioritize themselves or just sort them by tech level or by oldest trade first or something.

    These are soft numbers, I'll leave it to the devs to decide. Just keep it simple, it doesn't need to be fancy, just effective in addressing the flaw (that most, if not all strategy games have) of there being no downside or disadvantages to trading tech. If we picked a tribe in Africa that had no connection to the outside world, how long would it take us to teach them how to make their own car? So how is that in games like Endless Space we can trade numerous techs and multiple tiers of tech in a single turn that they can start using instantly?

  • Disable Tech Trading Option : Self-Explanatory, but I'd like to be able to create games in both classic and disharmony where no tech trading is allowed between any empire. Tech is a game changer once researched you can give out freely without losing or costing you anything. At least if I was giving dreadnaughts to a empire in need I still have to invest the resources and time to build it and once I gave it away it would no longer be in my position, this goes for just about everything in the game except technology.

  • Fighters and Bombers : Taking a page from history, most carrier engagements with aircraft happen outside fleet engagement capabilities. So the solution for Fighters and Bombers is to simply add a phase of combat for them that happens before any fleet to fleet engagements. So it will be the new Phase 1 where you could play a card, or maybe this will happen between the time the attacking fleet jumps in and phase 1. In either case this should work like so. Fighters engage other fighters first, if no fighters exist or remain, engage bombers, if no bombers exist or remain, engage ships or missiles. Bombers obviously just engage ships. Point defense weapons seem redundant to Flak defenses.

  • Remove Certain System Improvements from AI Build Logic : I would like to see an option where I can define either specific system improvements or system improvement types and exclude them from the AI management of system. All too often they build things when and where they are not needed and the upkeep adds up when managing a big empire. It can take a lot of time to micromanage all the systems to avoid this. But it would be better if I could just click a category of system improvements or select them individually and toggle them on or off for AI build logic for the entire empire. Not system specific.

  • Multiple Fleet Select Retrofit : When manage my fleets I would like to be able to select multiple fleets if not all fleets and be able to press the retrofit button to upgrade them. Same goes for System Management. When assigning any AI build logic, I'd like to be able to select all or multiple systems and then choose my action, like AI build focus on science or food or whatever. Rather than having to do each on individually.

  • [/LIST]

    Well that's it for now. I have more but let's see how this goes first. I did spend a little bit of time looking at compiled lists of suggestions as well as threads and didn't see these mentioned. But I didn't spend a lot of time searching to make sure I wasn't wasting my time. So if these are already submitted, I apologize.