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Saving ship configurations for usage in future games

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11 years ago
Nov 22, 2013, 11:34:02 AM
I would like to have the possibility to save certain ship configurations. As soon as I have all the necessary technologies such a saved ship type should show up in the list of ships i can build.

After having played dozens of games it has become annoying to design the same ship type over and over again. Such a feature would make multiplayer games much quicker as the other players would not have to wait for people who are creating new ships.

What do you think?
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11 years ago
Nov 22, 2013, 2:26:08 PM
I agree this would be really time saving.

However, how do you deal with tech trees ? Would design appears once you've unlocked the proper tech ?

Would it be better to have ship templates instead (like kinetic destroyer, balanced dreadnought or troops carrier) ? In fact, that would be complicated to handle and you'd loose

creativity when it comes to ship design (relying only on a few you've done a few times and be done with it).
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11 years ago
Dec 18, 2013, 4:56:38 AM
I would also like some ship presets. I think the tech tree issue could be circumvented by setting module priorities rather than specific designs.

E.g., for an invasion ship, you could set your priorities as:

  • Tonnage
  • Repair
  • Armor, Max 1
  • Missile Defense, Max 2
  • Laser Defense, Max 2
  • Kinetic Defense, Max 2
  • Troops, to tonnage cap
  • Siege Weapons, to tonnage cap
  • [/LIST]

    In this manner your ship would prioritize defense without going overboard and using up all the tonnage. It would employ siege weapons only if troops were unavailable.*

    I think this could work. It's worth considering, in any case.

    I would also like to see a way to save game presets. I may decide there are a certain set of widely varying galaxy and opponent sets I like and want to have on hand. This seems like a fairly trivial thing to implement as it's a static set of variables (@devs, don't hate me for calling any part of your work trivial; I just mean in comparison to the ship preset concept).

    *I make no claim that this is an optimal design for a siege ship. I literally started playing last week.
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    11 years ago
    Dec 22, 2013, 12:04:12 AM
    The problem isn't saving the data for the ships, it is programming the interface to load & use those presets. That takes a lot more time and effort.

    (Optimal design suggestion for siege ship depends on your plans for taking over things. Generically though, max elite troop modules + max siege or just max siege is pretty reasonable (on a destroyer frame)).
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    11 years ago
    Dec 25, 2013, 3:30:16 AM
    Id like there to be pre-set ships available to the player at the beginning and through out the game to use as a kind of standard example of what any particular era of ships should be designed like.

    Almost like a default template for the player to use or redesign to help new players (And extremely bad ones like me) to know how we should be designing our ships.

    I personally, have great difficulty with this.
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