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Endless Space - Planetary Interaction & More Research

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10 years ago
May 12, 2014, 11:06:13 PM
Hello everyone my name is Seamus, and this is my first time here and I spent recently by "Endless Space", and somehow i got addicted to this game!... until i find the need of more content, despite after a significant change with "Disharmony" expansion. smiley: alder

So to start, i sorry if my english sounds rubbish, because this is not my native language, and second I do not know exactly how are the 4x Genre games, but I think it won't be big problem if I give this idea (or maybe not a big idea but anyway).

So,there's not much to do in planets when we got near them on a star system, the textures and all are gorgeous, but, all we see is the selection of "Exploitation", Population size, Anomalies, resources, relics, Nominal output, and bad mud people, if you don't satisfy them. So, someone doesn't feel the need for logistics? Beyond the statistics of tax rate and other stuff by dust? The point i'm trying to tell is: Stations... planetary stations... for the production of a nominal output (industry, science, dust, food, Depending on what the planet is more favorable, and the decision is yours anyway)... the possibility of having more resources in game like gas for example (example), with the possibility of building things and weapons, with research to increase the efficiency of local buildings on local planet to increase production of nominal output, slots and upgrades. Survey areas, where we can see where there are more features of a given resource, such as the planet lava, What we can extract to produce, adjust the percentage of production ( or maybe no need of having the adjustment bar.)

You see, I noticed objects which look like buildings, and they're shiny. (Assuming there's nothing we can do with them.)

there is other games with this type of system or similar, not all are the same, but I don't know, I guess we can always create something to expand the depth of the game (can we rotate the planets? please? for that?)

We can create a main building, with other buildings around where production happens, the center is the control zone, industry, food, science, dust, also, proper buildings to icy planets, very hot planets, anyway, expanding the idea of produtivity than the current simple system, where the only mission is to colonise planets with the exploitation, i mean, give a purpose to colonize rather than expand for expand for the sake of colonising, be more motivating, also, how about arcologies and building selection window for that planet? arcologies where you can put the population According to his, well, planet capacity? We could for example, put an arcology, in the Arctic for example, this would make for example more science or industry, this areas need to be made randomly obviously, but the approval system would have a negative state, because the environment, well, it's cold, or you may want to regulate that with a heating system, in with you need to install on that arcology as upgrades.

I know that there is an approval and disapproval for each planet, planets with lava give disapproval -20, perhaps an oversize one (just a example anyway), but there should also better place in order to lessen the severity of the disapproval on that planet, than the planet altogether, we the players being the builders of a nicy empire but expensive, or a reckless empire.

I think for all this, there will be need for other changes to, compensate so the game can be the perfect challenge, anyway, I don't know, what do you think? and if you don't agree, that is ok, The game has endless possibilities. smiley: cool

I don't want to try to blow the minds of devs, otherwise, boom boom and stuff. oO'
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10 years ago
May 13, 2014, 2:29:44 AM
the objects you are seeing represent the population of the planet living in cities, the structures in orbit are sometimes small orbital platforms, other times ships. I really like the sci fi stuff in this game and do look at graphics like those, i love the little details they put into the gamesmiley: smile

As for your other idea, i have talked about something like it a while ago:

Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
a different idea than this but along the same lines is that endless legend has the planet made up of biomes. what if that carries over to endless space and you have to assign different systems to different biomes. you could decide where you wanted the agricultural regions in on planets or where you wanted the industrial or resource mines. you could even place system improvements in the right place to get the biggest bonus. you would have to make hard choices like ''should i put the mines in the mountain region? i need extra food so maybe i should extend my farms into that region.'' i personally think it would add a lot to faction specialization in different things.

As for the higher tier planets having large approval penalties, thats because they give huge advantages in fids (lava planets are 12 industry per pop) and by the time you can colonize them you should have some of the happiness improvements to mitigate the negative effects.
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10 years ago
May 13, 2014, 3:50:03 PM
***a different idea than this but along the same lines is that endless legend has the planet made up of biomes.***

Yes! I was thinking about the Eve Online system on Planetary Interactions, and/or Interplanetary-the game, where local places can link to other areas on the planet and make a bonus, whatever in laboratories or industry, dust, etc., and with the biomes to see where resources are more available to receive a bonus. Having areas on the planet, which would for example more science but less, industry or, more industry, etc.

***the objects you are seeing represent the population of the planet living in cities, the structures in orbit are sometimes small orbital platforms, other times ships.***

Yes, I like those details. I was wondering however if we could be the ones to build these buildings once we claim a planet than just give improvements? If we click on a planet, a window appears and buildings are there to be placed.(I think this should be according to the type of planet, however. If i search "permannt vacations" then a new building should rise to build on a terran planet for example.)

I wonder if the devs are still working on this game? What is their plan for the future? I haven't heard much smiley: frown
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