*sigh* hmm, don't know how I'm going to put this smiley: confused

I know this may sound stupid or unecessary, but is just an idea worth exploring, i mean, If you have the attitude, otherwise ignore it. It is not really a suggestion at all despite very ambicious, i believe factions of this Endless Space game could fit in a future city Simulator, or other character creations you may want, since i grew anxious to play with economies of the future and city simulation of the future with other species and diplomacy.

So we have a Galaxy, with several systems, and one of those is our system within that system we have various planets and one of them is Terran, our home world, just like Endless Space. On our home world planet we have places for cities scattered around him like CITIES XL would represent, and then you have Lava type planet, good for industry, and we specialize him on that, with proper buildings, and upgrades to satisfy the population working there, since the atmosphere is grim. To specialize a planet in a given system, it would be necessary to get out of the city, in order to return to the orbits of the planet, there, we can make sure he specializes in agriculture, economy, industry or science, and to see the Galaxy, we would have to leave the planet to the solar system menu, and then leave the solar system, and reveal the galaxy. (many of the things are similar or equal to endless space).

Once you have colonized your system, you may want to colonize others, and make a Empire, or a Federation, where the complexity is generated and the attention is needed even more, making a hard challenge everytime you expand.

There aren't many games on construction about cities, especially about the future, Amplitude has a good concept art. When i say real time, i don't really mean realtime like agent simulation, but yes about resources, for example: 300 population of a class needs x value of food per x seconds or minutes and other resources before advancing to other classes, and maintain their happiness (I'm imagining Sophons and their mega industry of food and science with corporations and economy).

Now, this game is in real time, not in cycles like 4x. Is Amplitude all about 4x Genre games? Otherwise i believe this idea is not going to be accepted, but anyway, its just me giving here some smell and if you are up to challenge, if you can. You incentivated me to think about this. I don't expect this to be build, unless it's a surprise, since I'm the only one with this by now... locked... in a box. But if this attracts mosquitoes, then we have competition.

You can call him: ENDLESS GALAXY? | ENDLESS PLANET? (smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" />) | ENDLESS.....?? Also, buildings according to factions.