I was recently in a thread where we were discussing the possibility of using production to create approval and this got me thinking. In Endless Legend 'Stockpiles' made sense from both a gamplay and thematic point of view. Gameplay wise if you weren't building anything you could always turn that lost production into Food, Science or Industry to use later. While stockpiles might still work from a gameplay point of view in Endless Space 2, I feel like they wouldn't make as much sense from a thematic point of view. In EL it made sense to store up some grain for the encroaching Winter, but this doesn't make much sense when we're talking about Spacefaring Empires. Hence the following idea: Initiatives. Initiatives are similar to Stockpiles, in that they turn production into a FIDS resource, but unlike stockpiles initiatives aren't something you make and then save for later. With initiatives they will remain in production indefinitely (until you cancel it) providing a passive boost to a resource while they're active. Initiatives are different from specialisations in that they have to be produced and are only active while they are being produced. I don't know balance wise if Initiatives should give a better bonus than specialisations, or a worse one but allow me to give some examples:

Agricultural Initiative:

While active, the Agricultural Initiative will give +X Food production on the planet.

'By focusing all aspects of the planet's organisation towards the agricultural industry, we can significantly boost the food available to the local populace.'

Industrial Initiative:

While active, the Industrial Initiative will give +X Industry on the planet.

'Grants, new infrastruce and tax benefits all help to spur on the planet's industry.'

Entertainment Initiative:

While active, the Entertainment Initiative will increase the approval on the planet by X.

'State-sponsored events and shows can greatly improve the approval of the planet's populace.'

Recruitment Drive:

While active, the Recruitment Drive will increase the planet's manpower recovery by X.

'You there! Heard of the benefits of joining the army?'

Stimulants and Sedatives Initiative:

While active, the Stimulants and Sedatives Initiative will increase approval by Y and Industry by Z. (Here, Y and Z are both less than the X provided by the Industrial Initiative)

'By choosing to produce so-called 'Happy Pills' the planet's government can increase approval and give a boost to the planet's industry.'

I hope this all makes sense. This idea is very barebones at the moment, but I think it could be interesting.