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[Composite suggestion] General suggestions to improve the game

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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 10:48:17 AM
Here's a short list of features that add nothing good to the game, and are source of grief, bugs and exploits, as well as some good suggestions.


1. Expand the limit of attacks per turn to a minimum of 3.

2. Allow the rudimentary scanning of enemy fleet BEFORE engaging said fleet.

3. Allow an attacker to CHOOSE what enemy fleet he wants to attack.

4. Remove the quasi-real-time pseudo-turn-based gameplay system.

5. Allow warp travel ONLY between friendly systems.

6. Have blockade and siege take 1 turn to set up. Make blockade a separate action button, not automatically executed.

7. Implement warnings for blockades and sieges.

8. Remove non-integer values from component weights.


1. Make technology names actually sound like what they do. Ditto for their descriptions.

2. Have radically different tech trees between the races. Only the most similar races should have a 75% tech tree similarity, the others should be 50% at most.

3. Some improvements have no logical connection between their name, their description, and their gameplay effect.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 2:11:49 PM


1. Add a Leave Fleet button. It's annoying that you have to disband the entire fleet every time you want to switch out one ship for another due to obsolescence/repairs/task management. Doubly annoying because of the 6 turn mobility limit on heroes. Why is that even in the game?

2. Fix the speed/distance calculator. Two ships, one at A, the other at B, traveling A>B and B>A respectively, one with speed 16, the other with 11, will make the entire trip in one turn, and both fleets will have 0 movement afterwards. No, this was not a wormhole link, it was a normal lane. Tested it on several different lanes, with visibly different distances.

3. Add a System-wide Recovery infinite/variable-length plan to turn the system's industrial production into siege recovery. SYSTEMS RECOVER SLOW!

4. Get rid of the pseudo-real-time quasi-turn-based gameplay mechanics. I know, I mentioned this before, but still. THIS FEATURE IS RETARDED! Nobody wants to play multiplayer in this real-time-turn-based-synchronous mode!
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 6:36:22 PM
As a note, there's a forum rule against bumping. I'm sure that goes doubly so when you're bumping a thread you just made today, as well. Now:


1.) A suggestion for the post-battle cards has been proposed, such a a retreat card, re-engage, and something I forget, if you would like to continue battle. As it is now, I like the one attack per fleet per turn.

2.) I think this is what scout ships are for. Pop them into the same system as an enemy fleet, allowing you to see what is in that fleet, and then get out of there. Or not, as the scout could be destroyed, but then it's only a scout ship. If you highlight the enemy fleet, then, you can see what is in it, such as CP and possibly layout of the hulls being used, I can't remember. Either way, in the pre- and post-battle screen, there is a full layout, and if you hover your cursor over the pictures of your enemies ships, you can see their stats.

It makes sense that if you're close enough to scan them, they're probably close enough to pursue you into a fight, should you try running.

3.) This would be nice, yes.

4.) Such as what, and replace it with what? I like the gameplay largely as it is right now. Anyway, doing this would force the devs to almost completely re-work the game, which isn't going to happen.

5.) Explain why. It doesn't make sense that your tech to do so would work in one area of space, but not in other areas.

6.) Um...They do? Blockade is a separate button in the fleet order menu than the invasion button. And why wouldn't you want to blockade a system you're invading? It keeps the enemy from pushing their fleets past you while your fleet is busy taking their system over (assuming you're invading a choke point).

7.) That's in the works, along with more alerts, I believe.

8.) I'm not sure what you mean here.


1.) Not sure what you mean here either. Names and descriptions make sense to me right now, in my opinion.

2.) Why? Just because races are different, doesn't mean the science of the universe changes. Now, if they all had some more unique tech, that would be nice.

3.) Again, what do you mean? Give an example. I've really seen no problem with improvements, aside from ones I don't want to use cluttering by selection menu up as I research them.


1.) It's called the "Create Fleet" button. Select the ship you wish to remove from your fleet, hit "Create Fleet," and it is gone, made into a separate fleet.

2.) You probably ran into a bug, here.

3.) Recover slow from what? War and invasion? Well, we see how hard it is today on Earth to recover from our land wars, and natural disasters. Now add fleets in space pummeling the planet with weapons, wiping out cities and adding new geography in the form of craters. If the planet wasn't that advanced to begin with, well, it'll take quite a while to get back up to par. As it is, there is tech that speeds up recovery, and I think Heroes with Administrator or Corporation have a skill to help as well.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 7:01:49 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
As a note, there's a forum rule against bumping. I'm sure that goes doubly so when you're bumping a thread you just made today, as well. Now:

Le ups.

FinalStrigon wrote:


1.) A suggestion for the post-battle cards has been proposed, such a a retreat card, re-engage, and something I forget, if you would like to continue battle. As it is now, I like the one attack per fleet per turn.

It opens the tactics to exploits. This game wants to be viable in multiplayer = exploits are bad. Example: send two unarmed, unarmored hulls at an enemy system, each in a different fleet. Dirt cheap. Enemy needs to have two armed ships in the system or risk economic blockade. When the enemy divides his fleet, send armed and armored ships instead to pick off the enemy ships.

FinalStrigon wrote:

2.) I think this is what scout ships are for. Pop them into the same system as an enemy fleet, allowing you to see what is in that fleet, and then get out of there. Or not, as the scout could be destroyed, but then it's only a scout ship. If you highlight the enemy fleet, then, you can see what is in it, such as CP and possibly layout of the hulls being used, I can't remember. Either way, in the pre- and post-battle screen, there is a full layout, and if you hover your cursor over the pictures of your enemies ships, you can see their stats.

It makes sense that if you're close enough to scan them, they're probably close enough to pursue you into a fight, should you try running.

It makes no sense that if a ship is bombarding a planet, the planet has no idea what is bombarding it. When you mouse over, you only see movement and CP, plus level of hero if one exists. You have no idea if the ship is armed, a colony ship or a scout. Makes no sense. Especially when you consider the planetary information situation. When you click to explore enemy planets, without sending scouts there, you get to see precisely what buildings they have, what are the planetary populations, the economic focus, etc.

FinalStrigon wrote:

4.) Such as what, and replace it with what? I like the gameplay largely as it is right now. Anyway, doing this would force the devs to almost completely re-work the game, which isn't going to happen.

Pure turn based. Otherwise, the game will remain unplayable.

FinalStrigon wrote:

5.) Explain why. It doesn't make sense that your tech to do so would work in one area of space, but not in other areas.

You want a fluff explanation, or a gameplay one?

Fluff: "Our quantum entanglement communication hubs can now synchronise all the spatial drift, planetary graviton forces and baryonic cloud migration information. This can allow ships to travel great distances outside of travel lanes, but both the origin and destination must be synchronised." Might even add a Warp Share alliance option to allow own-ally routes.

Gameplay: It removes pretty much all tactical and strategic fleet placement from the map. Negates very expensive and very long production anti-siege infrastructure.

FinalStrigon wrote:

6.) Um...They do? Blockade is a separate button in the fleet order menu than the invasion button. And why wouldn't you want to blockade a system you're invading? It keeps the enemy from pushing their fleets past you while your fleet is busy taking their system over (assuming you're invading a choke point).

Intercept != Blockade. Right now, a system is blocked as soon as an enemy is present; the system doesn't grow, and all luxury and strategic resources are locked down. Problem? You can send a fast ship to fly through multiple systems in the same turn, and it will block each system for one turn. No counter. The thing you're talking about, interception, is currently bugged and doesn't work.

FinalStrigon wrote:

8.) I'm not sure what you mean here.

Ship designer displays 93/100. Can't add a 7 ton component. Turns out there's a 9.1 ton component on the ship.

FinalStrigon wrote:

1.) Not sure what you mean here either. Names and descriptions make sense to me right now, in my opinion.

A tech that is called and described as Some Shields gives you a hull that has weapon tonnage bonuses. Can't think of more examples right now, not in game.

FinalStrigon wrote:

2.) Why? Just because races are different, doesn't mean the science of the universe changes. Now, if they all had some more unique tech, that would be nice.

For variety of gameplay and strategies.

FinalStrigon wrote:

3.) Again, what do you mean? Give an example. I've really seen no problem with improvements, aside from ones I don't want to use cluttering by selection menu up as I research them.

Camouflaging your planet makes it stand out more, and gives it an Influence boost. There are more, again, not currently in game so I can't cite exact names.

FinalStrigon wrote:

3.) Recover slow from what? War and invasion? Well, we see how hard it is today on Earth to recover from our land wars, and natural disasters. Now add fleets in space pummeling the planet with weapons, wiping out cities and adding new geography in the form of craters. If the planet wasn't that advanced to begin with, well, it'll take quite a while to get back up to par. As it is, there is tech that speeds up recovery, and I think Heroes with Administrator or Corporation have a skill to help as well.

Hit and run sieges are way too effective. Again, the two-ship tactic works wonders here, and any defense is based on blind luck and faith. Not a fun prospect, especially in multiplayer.

It can take two years to turn a volcanic hellrock of molten hatred into a paradise world rich with life. What are you talking about?
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 7:12:57 PM
Definitely agree about making this game pure turn based. Way too annoying to have enemy fleets moving and attacking during my turn.

Another thing that needs changing is the taxation system. It is just way too convoluted to be any fun to manage your empire, check the links in my sig if you don;t know what I'm talking about.
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