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[Suggestion] Civil Unrest in captured planets

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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:05:09 AM
Why would a captured Hissho colony just deal with foreign occupation? Why would they take surrender, rather than go out guns blazing, as they should?

Here's a suggestion to rectify this: Captured planets have their own behaviors much separate than that of other planets, rather than just a happiness penalty. And why don't planets get damaged when they're invaded?

When capturing a planet, there should be a chance to spawn various anomalies, such as 'War-torn', which, say, indicates you've damaged buildings in your assault, lowering industry on the planet. Maybe you sent some bombs down! More unhappiness and less food for 'Fallout'. How about 'Civil Unrest'? Surely those darned citizens won't stand up for your occupation of their homeworld! You'd better do some research and apply to brainwashing treatment on them to pacify them! Maybe 'Terrorist Uprisings' will occur by patriotic groups unwilling to forget their heritage, causing a small amount of ships / research projects created in that system to be cancelled.

So, basically, I'm suggesting penalties to invading a homeworld. These are:

Invasion of Planet based anomalies

Small chance of sprouting up

-War-torn: With buildings damaged and families torn, industry is lowered.

-Fallout: Your bombs had consequences! Food is harder to grow and there's a large unhappiness problem.

-Major Fallout: Much more serious. Food is nearly impossible to grow, population lowers immensely.

Civil Unrest based anomalies

Small or large chance of sprouting up, based on faction

-Civil Unrest: Citizens are uprising! All forms of production are lowered, makeshift weapons are used to attack fleets orbiting this system, evolves into Mass Uprising if not solved.

-Mass Uprising: Wars break out before the remaining loyalists and the oppressed citizens. Population lowers, production grinds to a halt. Will eventually lead to either the planet turning into a pirate one (or becoming part of their old empire again), or the total destruction of the planet.

-Racism (Cravers only, very large chance): Craver citizens are rebelling against the others. Population lowers until there's one population left. Depending on who 'wins' (chance-based), the planet will revert to Civil Unrest, or will have no unrest based anomaly.

Research projects

-Restoration (Unlocks restoration): Cures War-torn, fallout, and major fallout

-'Special Education' and 'Civilian Removal' Programs (unlocks Reeducation, and Extermination for Cravers): Cures Civil Unrest, Mass Uprising, and Racism for cravers.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:36:44 AM
I agree on most parts. But I think that all options to be available to all factions. That is to say, if I play Cravers I dont necesarily have to be the all out evil empire. But as I think about it, I'm not really that sure. Wouldn't that just make all factions the same? But i'f they could implement diversity into the factions, I think it would help improve on a games replay ability.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:45:37 AM
The Cravers ARE an all out evil empire. They're basically themed about being consuming and violent. Their violence is heavily indicated through their inability to use diplomacy.

But, yes, you're right. Racism should be available to all factions, I suppose. But perhaps it'll be much less likely for species other than Hissho, Sowers and Cravers. VERY VERY high chance for cravers and high but not very high chance for Hissho and Sowers. Low, nearing medium for United Empire (humanity seems to be a VERY susceptible to racism as a species).

Perhaps a very low chance for Amoeba / Sophons / Horatio / Pilgrims.

Probably getting these figures wrong, but I believe that these traits should still apply to the species regardless of how you play them! Governments don't necessarily think like their people do.

Edit: Also, just came to mind that VERY HIGH chances for Cravers could be considered a downside they need. They're already a super powered race, and although there'll be balance fixes, this could work as an appropriate stat that also balances them - their captured planets are the most likely to get into civil war.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:46:14 AM
Very interesting ideas. I'm not sure if implementing them as anomalies is the best way to do it, but I'm liking where your head's at. By "homeworld", I'm guessing you mean any system belonging to an enemy faction, and not just their starting system? (starting systems are called "Homeworld" in the system screen, so I hope you'll forgive my confusion)

There's a thread dealing with very similar issues (specifically, the population in newly-conquered systems) that was started yesterday: found here. Perhaps you'd care to join the discussion?
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:55:53 AM
@ Insani: Yes the Cravers ARE Evil. But does that mean that they have to go with the "evil" option at all times. I personally think it ads flavour that you don't have to. I like the idea you propose here a lot better, as that creates some sort of diversity. The last comment about people and their governments are to me, also an issue that needs to be resolved. You could have your actions impact the happiness on all other planets. And then let what is good and bad for your empire be tied with your faction. In that way, if you have a happy Cravers society. And you come across a system that is nice, you don't have to slaughter every single one of the inhabitants on the planet. But you could in some way or another assimilate them into your empire. This would of course lead to unhappiness, and discomfort on the rest of the planets, something that could be countered by research of different alien handling stuff, and decrease naturally over time.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:58:01 AM
Err, I mean a system belonging to their faction. Sorry, wrong choice of words. By homeworld, I meant the world it's citizens thought of as 'home'.

I chose them as anomalies because it would be easier to program, although they could use a possible second anomaly slot called 'civillian status', possibly, which could be used to house population based anomalies, good or bad. Perhaps for a few turns after Racism, if your empire wins, they go into a state of celebration, increasing output for several turns.


Sorry! You posted while I was posting :P. Anyway, that could work, although as with the Racism event, I believe it should be reduced for the more 'evil' factions - Cravers wouldn't care as much as, say, the Sophons, or the Amoeba. But constantly slaughtering should negatively effect the other species, yeah.

In that case, maybe we could have a new option for ships - 'slaughter', which just takes out most of the entire population, leaving it's factions members alive and those who surrender. The happiness would go down, but it would be quick and would be something that happens in 1 or 2 turns if you have a ship docked there. It would mean no chance of civil unrest. The advantage is it's an instant route - some unhappiness, but the remainders are too scarred and intimidated to fight anymore.

Also, perhaps the chance of Racism / Unrest / Uprising would differ based on the faction you invaded, and what planet it is. For example, a happy craver planet / system would put up much resistance, whereas a United empire system unhappy due to lava planets wouldn't be as likely to offer resistance.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 12:16:54 PM
I find that at the moment taking over a system has very little impact on it, other than lowered happiness for a few turns. This would make a conquest victory quite a bit harder (you have to keep planets from rebelling). It fits with the factions as well, cravers should be able to massacre the entire system ( maybe a diplomatic penalty as well, cravers wouldn't care, but others might).
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 12:28:21 PM
Perhaps as a compromise, some planets (such as those on Lava planets with no happiness bonuses) would actually get positive bonuses from being invaded. These would have the opposite chance that unrest, etc have - for 'nice' empires like Sophons, it would be much more common, and they would actually be happy to be liberated, but they would expire when happiness goes below what it was with their previous owner. 'Liberation' increases industry, etc, as long as happiness stays higher...

Hell, maybe, 'mutual assistance', improving happiness, science, industry, based on a successful melding of two cultures, much more likely when the two species have the same morality. (Ie Amoeba and Sophons). Neutral would have less chance, but wouldn't have severely lowered chance from melding with evil or good cultures.

Also, War-torn and such could be normal 'anomalies', whereas civilian problems would be 'happiness situations'. Having a war-based anomaly would add to the chance of civil unrest.

Also, if anyone has any more ideas as to penalties caused by wars, it'd be greatly appreciated. There's certainly a lot of problems with invasions. Maybe 'Casualties' of an invasion, ie population chopped in half?
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 12:32:10 PM
It could be solved by having civil unrest as an anomaly, but having each of the anomalies having different impacts on the factions. But i agree with leviro, right now it is too simple.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 12:43:09 PM
That would make sense, I would think the Hissho and Cravers would be much effective at creating / containing an uprising than other species. But still, I do think that some systems should get a small bonus (not as big as the invasion consequences) if you keep them happier than they were before.

Edit: Of course, the Sowers might be VERY dangerous, too. 'Mass Uprising' with Hissho / Cravers / Sowers might require advanced research such as 'complete reeducation' or such. Might be hard for the Sophons to reprogram the Cravers...
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