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[Composite suggestion] idea please done

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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:18:21 PM

i hope hear is correct

please done this future or idea:

1. the range of the fleet seen before is started !

2. bigger MAP

3. option befor game started: lower research (i find the research is to quickly, i mean same funktion for piraten activity)

4. sorted wars ( more fleets in sektor -> look the fighting fleet )

5. mix ships in the fleets + better boni or fightcards (not all fightcards open for option)!

6. Fleet what have Hero -> option for AI controll

7. better sorted fleets -> move 2fleets-> stand on same place i can not see all fleets !

8. creature properties skill ( via research or manuell skill for individuel, bevor game starting) -> much like hero skill

( plus and minus )

--->mean player race open self created via starting ( make a skill) or latter im game skill the skills


9.hero,ships,creature skill: not always plus boni ( bigger plus boni must have minus boni sample: ++offensive and have - deffensive or ++HP and have - speed)

10. for mix fleets option open for more ships in the fleet ( 3destroyer is not big )

11. small AI creature planet for trade or other

---> mean wehave 8 players and pirat´s.... + done small ai players via 1plane or month for more action and converstation for diplomatics,war, corparation, trade

12. religion or political??

13.Orbitals station for deffensive the planet, shilds, hunter, mines..

14. Wurmhole blockade

15.carrier ship + hunter

16.for multiplayer: chat + or more conversation via diplomatics?

PS: sorry my english is not a best

PSS: hope for germany translation


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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:24:24 PM
You might consider posting here for better results /#/endless-space/forum/39-international But anyway!

1. I agree.

2. I am not sure.

3. I agree.

4. I agree.

5. I agree.

6. I am not sure.

7. I agree.

8. I am not too sure what you mean :l

9. I agree.

10. I agree.

11. I am not too sure what you mean :l

12. I agree.

13. I agree.

14. I belive fleets can currelently do this, but it works in a weird way.

15. I agree.

smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 5:48:12 AM
EdWar wrote:

PS: sorry my english is not a best

PSS: hope for germany translation

Good morning EdWar! Yes, there will be a german translation. smiley: smile


"These are the main new features that will be included in the Beta version of the game:

- 8 playable factions >> you’ll finally be able to discover the Amoeba, the Sowers and the new and last faction we’ll announce tomorrow

- Multiplayer enabled >> You’ll be able to plays against 7 other players online.

- German and French languages."
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 8:20:34 AM
Moved to the proposals sectino.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 9:58:04 AM
3: you could setup up the game to be slow in speed... longer research, production time and growth rate.

3 auf deutsch: du kanst bevor dem spiel im spiel aufsetzungs menu dass spiel auf langsam stellen anstadt normal oder schnell, dass macht alles langsamer bis auf wie schnell diene shiffe sind.

Ps. mein deutsch ist sehr eingerostet, habs 12 jahre nicht mer benutz.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 1:12:35 PM
yes i make this,i think the research is not slowly... problem is i find new tech für ship´s -> ship make upgrade and buld this-->before finished buld... i find next tech for ships....

German: ja die Funktion hab ich auch genutzt aber bevor ich die neue tech im Schiff gebaut hab ist schon eine weitere Tech´s gefunden und ein Upgrade notwendig
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:01:17 AM
dass problem hab ich auch schon gehabt aber ich gehe an dass problemm anders ran, ich research die 3-4 waffen techs die auf gleicher höhe sind (research points) und nach her mach ich dann erst den upgrade, wärden ich die anderen 3 tech richtungen researche

Since im replying To EdWar's last post, ill just keep it in german.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:08:12 AM
I agree that we need larger maps. Entire galaxies should have 500+ systems!
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:28:33 AM
Insani wrote:
I agree that we need larger maps. Entire galaxies should have 500+ systems!

Yes please! smiley: approval

That has been one of the ultimate bugbears of XP vs Win7 (and other OS) 4X Games...RAM v How Big games can get/should get.

Apart from software enabling the available cores on your PC (a certain rival to ES is having some serious issues here because of this, its been alleged), the limitations of the OS its written for as a minimum have been a dividing line between potential Groundbreaking 4X and total flop non-Groundbreaking, run-of-the-mill 4X.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 12:24:45 PM
Larger maps would be much appreciated. This in addition of making more diversity of planets and systems. Would make the first face, the exploration and expanding much more interesting than it already is.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 7:12:05 PM
for single player is big/large map very good ( for long player)

bigger map = more AI player


8er spiral galaxy x 2-4 ( multigalaxy) 1-2 warp´s for connection
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