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[Composite suggestion] couple of quick and rough suggestions.

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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 1:38:11 PM
Couple of quick suggestions I had to get on paper after my first victory \o/

(I'm aware some of these may already have been mentioned but I can't for the life of me find a "database thread" of all often made suggestions)

1. Add an auto production for food (Like Dust and Science).

2. Production queues default to "skipping" an auto production if there is "normal" production after it. (We've all been at the point where we have to move/remove auto science/dust when researching one of the "I must have this is all systems" techs.)

3. Add a screen/statistic with things like "maximum potential production" so that us poor saps who can't bother noting down all of our systems, sizes and planet types to figure out what systems to turn into "forge" worlds (production) and such.

4. Add a "conversion" chart for planet types. I'm thinking a quick interactive diagram research tree style with all the planet types in a cirle (ordered in tiers inward) with lines connecting them all. (With queing so you one turn a planet from lava to terran in one queue action)

(A rough example - Press image to see a full screen example.)

5. Add prompts when attempting to move ships into prohibited systems (into a system touched by influence) "Would you like to declare war on ___?"

6. Add more passive/active boosts to the diplomacy so that we have a decent chance of creating trade agreements and alliances. Let the AI be more aggressive in trying to make peace when weak and war is bad for them (I've had 3 system AI wardec me with the 20 fully developed star systems...)

7. Make the victory conditions fit the number of players (possibly also number of stars?) so that they don't stray too far from each other in small/big games. I'm thinking of the economic victory in particular - 300k in total is really easy to achieve at the moment.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 8:55:47 PM
1) I think that it is ok, that you cant turn metal into food. Maybe this should be available to some factions. Increase diversity smiley: biggrin

2) Agree, but has been addressed else where.

3) First of I don't think that has a high priority. Secondly, it isn't that hard a thing to learn.

4) Personally I find it a bit weird that you just terraform any plane you encounter, to fit what ever porpuse you need to do. This seems a bit far fetched for human technology to reach in the next millennium. With that being said, I think that is an ok idea.

5) Yes, we need more of that stuff.

6) Yeah, would be a nice improvement.

7) A must. Everything else would be stupid.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 9:31:05 PM
1. Production isn't a resource, but an abstract concept meaning "Manhours". You can turn production into both dust production and science, which one can only imagine means moving untrained workers (in the field) to the respective "industries" and having them work at roughly 50% effectiveness. I see no reason why food production can't work the same way.

2. Addressed where? I'd love a link.

3. To each his own. Most games of the genre love having overview and statistics screens. See no reason why ES shouldn't have them since they are a helpful tool.

4. It's already ingame you know - the terraforming. All I'm suggesting is a easy overview of the system instead of 2-3 possible terraforming options on each planet. There isn't any context or helpful tooltips at the moment informing you that a Lava planet can be turned into a Barren, Desert or Arctic world. You have to ask on forums or visit a wiki.

(I'll try and make a quick illustration of what I want for clarity)

PS: Great to see another dane on the forums lol
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:08:54 PM
1. May break the game. If say for efficiency, the devs check the FIDS each turn sequentially and in that order for efficiency(less clock cycles for processing) and run through it once, then the moving food backward would break the game.

There is strong evidence for the one pass check: ind to dust and ind to sci, but no ind to food; also, 100% food to ind, but no sci to ind or dust to ind.

Strong evidence for efficiency: check out the tax system.

2. /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13550-suggestion-more-user-friendly-way-of-building-science-and-dust

3. Feature exists in other games of this genre, ergo...

4. Terraforming chart exists: in these forums and on ES Wiki. This may be the chart that may or may not be added to the game, hopefully. Also, not being spoon-fed makes this game come across as challenging and interesting, and provides players a sense of accomplishment and community beyond the actual gameplay.

5. I believe this has also been suggested by Davea somewhere in the forums.

6. Much complaint by many and many people. Join the party.

7. I am behind you on this one.

On notes 3, 4, and 5, it is generally accepted convention for forums to search and read before resuggesting, but in this case, the materials were made available only recently by the community. Also, the game is in alpha stage, everyone has to learn as they go. Its the risk alpha and beta testers have to take. Too bad we aren't getting paid for it. smiley: cry
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:36:25 PM
Yeah I know soaker. I kind of made that chart and put it on the wiki (After making the initial thread suggestions that is) smiley: mrgreen

Like I said - it would be nice to have a bit of basic information regarding terraforming - it isn't mentioned anywhere ingame currently how the system works in practice other than "trial and error".
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:53:07 PM
An ingame encyclopedia with more "advanced moves" would be nice, trading, colonization (both system and planets), terraforming springs to mind.

@ Mansen: Ja det er nice nok, men hvis man ikke skilter med det, er det jo også umuligt at vide smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:56:14 PM
smiley: redface

Just reread the other thread. Oops.

But seriously, nice work on the diagrams. smiley: approval

TheManInRoomFive wrote:
An ingame encyclopedia with more "advanced moves"...

Definitely nice to have. For a game like this, an ingame encyclopedia is a compulsory.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:11:22 PM
Redid the chart once more to add the missing text (and I can't sleep anyway, heh)

Edit: Forgot Tier 0 (or 4). I'll add it when I can be bothered. smiley: fat
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