There might be more that people have to say on this subject but I've noticed in the ship editor that the summary boxes and lines that point to the ship hull are a bit oddly placed. On the one hand I think it's down to aesthetic choice and I can see why you'd go with the boxes and lines, but I had some thoughts:

1. At the very least, re-organise the boxes, keeping the weapons and defences paired as they are now, so that all pairs are on the bottom. It's weird having lasers, missiles and their defences on the bottom and then kinetic up there in the top left corner.

2. Move all the boxes to the top or bottom and have the, seemingly arbitrary, lines extend up or down from those to the random points like they do now.

3. As 2, but also add new boxes for any support modules that are added.

My rationale is that, in fairness, you can see exactly what you've added in the bottom right window so why do you need to look in the top left anyway? Well, you sort of don't, but if it was organised better then it would at least be a more viable source of information. As it stands now the ordering of the boxes is a little odd and you sort of have to look all over that window to gather the information. It would be faster and easier if it was more centralised in one place.

While I'm on the subject of the ship spinner, it seems to spin the wrong way. I feel like it would make more sense spinning in the direction you dragged it rather than opposed to the direction you dragged it, but maybe that's just me.