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[Suggestion] Small Civilizations

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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 7:00:55 PM
Endless space is an immense game, and in my surprise I always get the feeling that the galaxy I am in lacks life. After a while I had an idea of adding lesser civilizations into the game. These civilizations would play a vital role in your conquest against the other factions.

Small civilizations could be found anywhere after scanning the planet, and if life was to be found it would give you the option of enslavement, negotiate, or genocide. Depending on your empire, enslavement would give bonus production, but would lower your empires happiness. Negotiating would naturally imply that you give them protection, and every now and then they would reward you with limited bonuses, or rarely give you technology. By committing genocide, a player would wipe out an entire premature civilization, and by doing so allows the player to colonize the planet, but reduces the pop limit by -1. In the later stages of the game, a player who chose negotiate, would get rewarded with ships to add to his fleet. If the player chooses enslave, then he could choose to build ships of his own desire. Also each of these choices would effect your empire and relations with other factions.

If any of you think that this idea can be improved, feel free to reply to this thread with your improvments.
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12 years ago
Jun 5, 2012, 7:45:35 PM
Micromanagment wrote:
Small civilizations would mainly be found on terrain planets

Why? Plenty of of ways to evolve on less than optimal planets.
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