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My ideas of improvement

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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:11:01 PM
I have, a list of improvements that i think would make this good game even better smiley: smile

  • Movement

    I think that the movement needs to be overhauled, things like....

    1.Being able to cancel a ships mission to another planet, I hate having to go to a planet to turn all the way back round when im attacked....

    2. Being able to engage pirates and enemies when moving on the same path

    3. Tweaking the movement points so there is a little more I mean only minute tweak..
  • Battle

    1. I think more battle-cards would be good with unique effects ect but I already think this coming

    2. maybe more moving of the ships close to each other instead of broadsiding each other constantly.
  • Hulls

    1. There needs to be alot more hulls in my opinion and more customization, more unique weapons maybe, some colour options maybe ?
  • Empires

    I think you need a little more customization and expansion of the empires, a story mode for each one would be nice but prolly unlikely and not really essential, creating your own empire or leaders with certain traits would be nice but also unlikely, also a balance tweak is needed for the empires, I usually come across the amoeba dominating the galaxy and the Hiss-ho being in control of one planet, maybe that's my luck though.

    (maybe this is a difficulty thing I don't know it seems like it)

But overall I have really enjoyed the first few hours of game-play, the interface is beautiful if a little complex but beautiful non-the-less and you can get used to it, the space battles are almost perfect and their graphics are lovely, the current hulls though a little short are unique and nicely thought, I think the empire's early hulls might need a little tweaking but that's my opinion, people like the pilgrims have lovely ship hull designs, the special effects are pretty good.

there are a few minor bugs but aside from that the game runs pretty perfectly, fps rarely drops below 70 for me on full graphics so I think your doing pretty well smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:37:23 PM

1.) How exactly do you propose the ships turn around when they are on the strings? You're traveling at FTL speeds (jump space, hyper space, warp space, whatever you want to call it) along a cosmic string connecting stars. Even if you could drop out, how would you know which way to point yourself to get back to the star you want? Would you even be able to, as the system are moving through space, and you dropping out in-between them might leave you no way to get back on that connecting string.

It's not to big of an issues to have to just turn around once you hit a system, if you need to go back and defend.

2.) Pretty much the same as what I said above. How do you propose ships traveling at FTL speeds engage each other? They be at and then passed each other faster than you'd be able to even register that they're there.

3.) Not sure what you mean here. If you mean increasing the movement points, there are already several techs and Hero abilities that do that for you.


1.) I'm pretty sure more battle cards are on the way. I'm fine with the number we have now, though, as it's already a lot to look through (in the late-game, anyway) and trying to figure out which to use as the counter is ticking down.

2.) They are, technically, moving closer to each other. I admit, the battles are slightly boring to watch (especially after I've finished reading all the battles in Jack Campbell's The Lost Fleet, for example), but they are, technically, moving closer from long range to short range.


1.) I'm perfectly fine with the number of hulls that we have now. There's enough variation for adaptable and well-rounded fleets, and same goes for the mods that we have. What hulls could be added, anyway? Just about every ship i can think of is there, aside from a carrier, which I don't want to see in space anyway.


1.) There is a create-your-faction option coming. It should be in the final game. I think that's about all you'll get, though, in terms of creating something, seeing as leaders don't really do much aside from give you something to look at on the diplomacy screen. As for balance, well, that might be more of an AI think than an empire think. The Amoeba might have had an awesome strating position, and the Hissho...not so much.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:50:57 PM
I propose that the ships would have FTL scanners and it is science fiction they could come out of FTL to engage an enemy ship by I dunno some technology to block them ? I know it seems silly but it also seems really annoying from a gameplay perspective that whenever Im moving round my fleet, and suddenly I get declared war on I get steamrolled because I can't turn my empire round.

maybe the option to build warp lanes used by both sides would fix this as it would reduce the time for engagement ? without severly impacting on what you said above in the movement.

for the increase of movement points I mean just even when your starting off add a few more before the techs are researched, when you research the techs it becomes a bit op as well giving you a little too much movement in my opinion.

but yeah I agree on everything else
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:57:22 PM
Gameplay wise, maybe, but I still don't see it working. Seeing as we get out information by seeing light, what exactly would the sensors be scanning? And when they scan it, would any human on the ship be able to read the results in time to do anything about it? And why would you want to drop out of FTL to engage someone anyway? In the dead space between stars, it would take decades to get to the closest star if the battle damaged or destroyed your FTL capabilities. And escape pods would probably be doomed and lost forever. Sorry, I still don't think this is a good idea. If you're having trouble with invasions, start researching more tech to boost defenses, or build each planet a cheap protection force to at least delay the enemy a bit.

As for movement points...I still don't understand. You want more added in the beginning, even though you'll still have those techs you think are over-powered soon enough? I think it really is just fine as it is. If you want more MP, sacrific weapon/defense mod space to add in an engine mod.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:57:28 PM
Oh and concerning the battles I like them I would just like them to move in a less uniform way, I know they do get closer and I love the current battle mechanic just think it needs tweaking, I do find it funny when people ask for RTS battles though reading through it I quite like the card style system they have gone for, it gives a unique style of gameplay.

I mean in the beginning of the game, you tend to lack in movement points and everything takes a bit long to get to, whereas late in the game it all goes a bit to fast and you get far too much movement points, all im saying is add like 1-2 more movement points for early game tech ships, and take 1-2 mp away for late game smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 3:26:44 PM
*replace with FinalStrigon's posts*


I dont think that more movement in battles is necessary. I mean, the battles are NOT real RTS and that is good. It fits with the other features of the game.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 3:32:52 PM
I don't mean as you think, I don't want to point and click to move I like the way it is set out, I just want to see them move round a bit more, instead of broadsiding the enemy constantly I wan't to see them move in-between each-other later stages ect, or turn basically a bit more cinematic....
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 3:35:00 PM
MrNewell122 wrote:
I don't mean as you think, I don't want to point and click to move, I just want to see them move round a bit more, instead of broadsiding the enemy constantly I wan't to see them move in-between each-other later stages ect, or turn basically a bit more cinematic....

I get what you mean. See the ships using movements and tactics as controlled by the AI, a pre-scripted battle or something like that for us to watch, as opposed to just seeing the fleets flying side-by-side each other exchanging shots.

That would be cool, and much more entertaining. Whether or not the devs have time to do something like that...I don't know. Probably not.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 3:39:34 PM
Basically a great idea, but I think that the battles are to short for that and I don't think that they can get long enough for that without an overhole.
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