i wasn't here for almost a month cause i had some problems with internet and such but i would like to re propose some of my ideas

1.spaceships that they are also carries that you can modify the carrier and the planes it will ad alot of new depth to the game (personly i think cariers or perfect for the pilgrims

2.more cinimatics battles i think that the battles are good but it kind of a bumer the ships always going in a straight line not manuering or anything

3.defence system in the star system that will help in battles in your star sytesms and if placebel it will be awsome

4.i think that the ship building menu (where you designh your ships) neeed to be with much more options like that the ship will be present in 3D and you will be able to see how the ship looks like zoom in and out and such maybe even position the weapons and such it will so cool

5.i think that at least the start of the invasion should be cinamtics cause think how great cinimatic scen is that you forces land on planet and fight (or maybe after you conquerd systen you could view the battle aafter it will be so cool )

6.there is an annyone thing on the tech that has to be improved you cannot ddiselect things i chose 3 tech to reaserch and i changed my mind i can't diselect them and it is annoying casue now i have to reaserch it

7.this is just one idea a preety stuipd one but stilll how coll it would be to do drills to your fleet to see your man training to battle and such, i mean like that ypou will be training your man tell them good no good if you can design evcuation and firing drills and such (is this idea worth devolope?)

8.my attuilde to this game and pepole stick with it is it if you have an idea and you think it stupid maybe he isn't and it can be devoloped to something great so don't afraid to posy ideas this game has a lot of potnial it would be unfortune to loose good ideas