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[Suggestion] Early Warning System

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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 8:50:02 PM
I was playing a game as the UE and I quickly expanded to the systems around me and have one real way into my cluster of stars. I quickly become involved in a war with the cravers over resources which has me focus most of my time away from the core worlds. By the time my little bout with the Cravers was over I found massive fleets of pirates invading my home world and my industrial systems. With all my fleets elsewhere and the event that reduces fleet movement by half there was no way for me to save my systems. I propose an early warning system to help alert players who are focused elsewhere. This can be a technology(if it would be I'd like it to be an early game tech) or just a part of the games notification system by default. It would use said notification system just like anything else global events, heroes for hire, etc. Except it could say anything from "X(Faction Name) Fleet sighted at Y(System Name) System" to "X(Large Medium Small) Size Fleet of Y(Faction Name) sighted at Z(System Name) System". This would be a great addition as it would allow players to either send fleets ahead of time or to build up a defense
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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 12:17:58 PM
I don't know about this. To be honest, if you can manage to distract an adversary to the point that you can sneak into their home system and blockage the place than you deserve the reward. Pirates on the other hand could use a warning system as they can just spawn out of nowhere and arn't terribly fair when it comes to attacking places that you have heavily fortified the entrances to so that something like that didn't happen. I know that deep space flight can cause a player to appear behind your lines too, but again, if they went to the trouble of doing that, don't they deserve the look of shock on your face?
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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 5:50:50 PM
That's why it could be a possible tech, or at least tell you that you're being invaded
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