I was thinking, and have noticed that there are quite a few people complaining about the combat system seems to be a little more geared towards mass offence with no defense.

My suggestion to fix this, or at least make the combat a little more defense friendly would be to introduce the concept of formation into the mix.

The basic setup (that could possibly have research that would unlock other formations) would be something along the lines of

Front rank Middle rank Rear rank

Protects middle and rear ranks Protects rear rank

Is damaged first Is only damaged when front rank is empty/has been destroyed Is only damaged when both other ranks are empty/destroyed

+25% Acc or DMG No bonus but no penalty -25% Acc or DMG

This would give people the trade off between pure damage i.e putting all of your ships in the front row to deal more Damage.

And defense, i.e putting a decked out defense dreadnought in the front rank to protect your ships while they fire seeking missiles from behind it's defenses

Some other additions to the formation might include flanks and such.

Suggestions/Improvements/Comments welcome smiley: biggrin
