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[Suggestion] Allow invasion by multiple players

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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 5:27:43 AM
If your ally is invading a system, even if he is a bone-head using but a single scout ship, you cannot invade the system with your 12 cruiser-transports.

Suggested solution: It would be best if all enemies of the owner of the system would combine their efforts for the invasion, and the one who wins the system could be determined based on who had the most invasion forces at the time of the final surrender of the world.

(possibly adding an event to the side saying something like "Hissho and Pilgrims both invade Taurus, Hissho wins planet due to most invasion forces present")
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 2:43:02 PM
The OP's point is a different one from the thread you mention. Replace "scout" with "small fleet". Suppose you and I are at peace, you have a fleet of 2 dreadnoughts and you start invading some other guy. Now I arrive with 20 dreadnoughts. I cannot help; I cannot even invade. Updated thread title, and also moved to discussion forum.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 2:51:09 PM
Yeah - what OP is talking about is bullying "out" the lesser fleet if they are peaceful to eachother.


A: Finally! My 7CP fleet has arrived and invading Orion.

B: Oh no you don't "friend"! - My 20CP fleet is clearly superior so I should be the one to receive this bountiful system.

For the record I am against this - First come first serve. If you take offense to your friend/ally "stealing" systems that you have set your eyes on, you're going to have to solve it via Diplomacy (system trading) or by declaring war. Bullying out a player because your fleet is basically the same as declaring war in terms of decorum.


A: Hey B - I know I came here first, but since you have 20 Dreadnoughts parked here anyway, would you mind assisting me?

B: Sure! Lets instacap this system.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 3:02:33 PM
I agree that for MP, it is possible to negotiate which player will own the invasion of the system. For an AI ally, it is not possible. And there is no way for multiple players to *cooperate*, as in my 6 destroyers plus your 5 destroyers should finish the invasion twice as fast.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:15:48 PM
Fun fact: I ran into the exact "scenario" last night in an 8 race game. I had a 6 race alliance going on, and then halfway through the game the sowers decided to leave it and wardec 5 races at once (sigh... lol). My neighbors the Horatio were faster out the gates than I so I had to hope that the Sowers fought back long enough for me to sneak in and take the systems - which I was for the most part.

I'd rather we fix this through improved diplomacy with the AI than turn to the alternative - "Big beats small" calculations on invasions.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 5:05:50 PM
I think I'd prefer it to be that the player who first initiates an invasion gets control be the default, but either way you can just gift the planet to the other player if you get control and don't want it I suppose.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 11:17:12 AM
Moved to the right forum, renamed title.
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