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[Suggestion] Optimize "Errant Fleet" by giving it population transport capabilities

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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 9:15:30 PM
Pilgrim affinity is IMO one of the more interesting racial affinities which creates some very unique play opportunities. However, for what could otherwise be a very flexible tool with a variety of uses, a few needlessly restrictive aspects of the Fleet Errant have pigeonholed it primarily int a very restricted usefulness(at present it's only real use is to accelerate early expansion, especially for low food production worlds). I would propose the following changes:

1). Allow a Fleet Errant to Add it's population to already colonized worlds with available space. This would allow it to retain more usefulness late game(where you may acquire a fleet errant, but have nowhere to put it as all the actual useful worlds in your systems are already colonized).

2). If Fleet Errant carriers more population hen can fit on the world it tries to add it's population to, allow it to choose another world in the same system to colonize or add remaining population to- these selections continue until either the fleet errant has deposited all of it's population or all planets in the system are full. This change would make evacuating high population systems not a colossal waste. It would mean evacuating a high population about to fall and then resettling with the fleet errant once you've retaken the system would actually be a viable option.

With these changes, Pilgrim affinity would retain it's usefulness into the late game and would be far more flexible and consistent in it's effect(and not be so horribly wasteful and difficult to actually use to move populations about).
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