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Retooled Sower Morale System

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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 7:43:01 PM
I just tried playing the game as the Sowers and was surprised by how much expansion hurt my morale and secondarily my production/research/dust.

If the sole mission of the sowers is to expand and terraform planets, then why do they suffer the same morale penalties from expansion that the other races do? In my mind, the sowers shouldn't be affected by this at all, or if they are initially, the effect should diminish significantly or entirely in a system when either all the planets are colonized in that system or when they're terraformed.

It doesn't make sense that they should suffer any penalties to morale for two main reasons: they exist to colonize more planets, and they're machines so they should be emotionless and therefore morale is a total non-factor.
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 8:10:10 PM
I haven't played the Sowers yet, but I agree with your points. Cravers have the same issue, no reason for them to suffer morale problems from expansion.
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