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The ability to destroy/raze colonies after capturing them

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12 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 11:41:39 PM
When I fight wars in 4X games, I hate the burden of logistics that comes upon me in trying to manage all my new worlds. The only way I've found to actually enjoy galactic wars is to fight them by razing every planet I capture -- slowly turning the galaxy into glass!

Sadly, Endless Space does not offer me this option. I have played numerous games by now, 1 vs a full roster of AI empires, on Impossible, and yet not finished a single one of them. The dredge of capturing planets, changing them to not drain my funds, selling all the silly AI purchases, etc, became too boring for me to continue.

The Civilization games had a simple fix for this: when you capture an enemy settlement, give the player the option to occupy it or destroy it for instant resources.

This would be the simplest solution. The system would be uncolonized, all improvements destroyed, and the player who razed it would receive a portion of the profits from sacking the system.

However, you could go even further. Glassing planets? Turn a system into barren worlds! Or destroying planets? Turn the system into asteroid fields!

My point is that it should be possible for us to take, and then destroy, land. Burn their colonized worlds into barren worlds, smash barren worlds into asteroids, leave them nothing to recolonize after your fleets have moved on to their next planet.
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12 years ago
Jun 24, 2012, 11:15:49 AM
This has already been suggested here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12436-raze-colony

This thread has been linked to the former and is moved to the archives.

Also this is already on the list:

Steph'nie wrote:
Here's how we will answer to your ideas:

DONE in game already, or will soon be implemented

**** Master must have

*** Master nice to have

** Post release must have

* Post release nice to have

X Never - either not possible or simply not in our vision

U Undecided

Razing Colony - Relocate Colony **
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