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[Composite] VOG community suggestions on fixes/balances/other ideas for Endless Space

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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 1:54:31 AM
Links to all the original posts' separate topics plus more.

Multi-threading: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12516-multi-threading

Galactic Overview Fix: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11980-galactic-overview-fix

Invasion Interruption: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12014-interrupt-invasions-when-powerful-enemy-fleet-enters-the-system

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Original Post below this line------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is my first time posting here so i probably should do a brief introduction. I am a community manager and owner of Vector Online Gaming, a group made of several guilds that game together on different games. I also work at Silverlode Interactive as a community manager and event promoter, as well as many other abstract chores, for SAGA.

Today i am posting some ideas i have come up with or collected about the game Endless Space. Being that this game is not complete yet, it amazes me how much content there is and how refined the ideas and aesthetics are. Each new patch brings an equal balance of content/content fixes, enhancements/adjustments, and fixes for the game stability, which is an impressive way to keep people interested after every patch.

I am aware that some ideas may be suggested already, however, i do not have time to do more than read the sticky posts on this forum.

Anyway, ideas for the game:

Putting AI calculations on another CPU thread so turns take less time and lag/crash possibly less. <-Right now my i7 2.2ghz is 100% on 1 core most of the game. I have to play on my 4.0ghz i7 desktop to play after turn 100 in a medium+ size galaxy stably.

In the galactic overview, clicking anywhere within the star system's rings (the double circles around each star which are also connected to the star lanes) should bring up the system overview. As of this post you currently have to click on the star itself most of the time. Maybe widen the detection area?

When people think of heroes, they also think of loyalty. Maybe heroes of specific races should only belong to those races, still recruited at random of course. Throw in some rogue individuals to also server as possible recruits for any race (like it is now for the heroes themselves). This allows for players to look forward to their race specific heroes while also randomly getting rogue heroes that have a chance of being recruited by any race.

This next suggestion might be taken more seriously for a mod than the game, but either way i know a couple people who would like to see this. Heroes that can level past 20. Many games take longer than 100-200 turns and it gets a bit more boring when your hero has nothing left to learn. It is my personal belief that heroes should be able to level until they run out of abilities to learn.

When starting a game there should be an option for players to choose the maximum CP deploy-able for each race to abide by. This greatly would help turn time against AI, or even indirectly, players. Options before game would show something like: 50CP, 100CP, Unlimited CP, etc. It also adds a interesting twist to the game when you only have some much fleet allowance in total and yet have to guard a lot of territory. Other variations of this idea promote the idea that the more systems you own, the more deploy-able CP you have, though maybe this would incur to many developmental changes within the game. It was discussed to me that ships built, but placed in a hangar would not count towards an CP cap as they are not deployed.

Fix "Adaptive Industrial Systems" (100% Food surplus converted into Industry) so that it will only take surplus food when population no longer has space to grow. It is very annoying having to track down systems that have suffered from "Rapt0r" disease or the likes and scrap the converting building, allow the system to regrow for several turns, and rebuild the converting building after.

Systems should not be able to be blockaded unless the defending fleets have been destroyed

Invasions should pause when a defending fleet becomes present again, regardless if attacking or not. (Not sure how the current system works on this myself.)

Pre-game settings "Difficulty", "Game Speed", and last selected races (for AI) do not stay remembered for the next game like settings under "Galaxy" and both "Advanced" tabs do. It would be preferable that all pre-game settings save. (Perhaps there is a default text file that can be edited by players like there was in Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri! Just kidding, most people do not know how to do that anyway.)

As i get more time i will add more to this, provided that it seems like good insight.

-Deszeraeth Kanzaki
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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 2:06:46 AM
Deszeraeth wrote:
I am aware that some ideas may be suggested already, however, i do not have time to do more than read the sticky posts on this forum.

Welcome to the forum. If you have time, please do read the sticky "jetkar's suggestion summary" linked in my sig, for the discussions already under way for every one of your ideas.
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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 12:45:03 PM
Sadly, we cannot cope with lists of suggestions in single threads.

What we could do, though, would be to work out which suggestions are unique and either you could post them in single threads or I could do this. See the rules:

Nosferatiel wrote:
Proposal-section posting rules

  • If you post a proposal, post only one suggestion topic per thread. Mixtures of different topics like: "I want icecream for the amoeba and like my ships toasted with real beams, not pesky pew pew lasershots!", will be exiled into the archives without being linked anywhere, being tagged as Composite suggestion

Anyways, let's go through your suggestions one by one:

Deszeraeth wrote:
Putting AI calculations on another CPU thread so turns take less time and lag/crash possibly less. <-Right now my i7 2.2ghz is 100% on 1 core most of the game. I have to play on my 4.0ghz i7 desktop to play after turn 100 in a medium+ size galaxy stably.

Hasn't been suggested, yet.

Deszeraeth wrote:
In the galactic overview, clicking anywhere within the star system's rings (the double circles around each star which are also connected to the star lanes) should bring up the system overview. As of this post you currently have to click on the star itself most of the time. Maybe widen the detection area?

Hasn't been suggested, yet.

Deszeraeth wrote:
When people think of heroes, they also think of loyalty. Maybe heroes of specific races should only belong to those races, still recruited at random of course. Throw in some rogue individuals to also server as possible recruits for any race (like it is now for the heroes themselves). This allows for players to look forward to their race specific heroes while also randomly getting rogue heroes that have a chance of being recruited by any race.

Heroes specific to races, becoming available upon contact with new races or mainly restricted to the original race have already been proposed several times.

Deszeraeth wrote:
This next suggestion might be taken more seriously for a mod than the game, but either way i know a couple people who would like to see this. Heroes that can level past 20. Many games take longer than 100-200 turns and it gets a bit more boring when your hero has nothing left to learn. It is my personal belief that heroes should be able to level until they run out of abilities to learn.

More complex hero mechanics have been suggested, but to the best of my knowledge increasing the lvl cap wasn't among the things mentioned there.

Deszeraeth wrote:
When starting a game there should be an option for players to choose the maximum CP deploy-able for each race to abide by. This greatly would help turn time against AI, or even indirectly, players. Options before game would show something like: 50CP, 100CP, Unlimited CP, etc. It also adds a interesting twist to the game when you only have some much fleet allowance in total and yet have to guard a lot of territory. Other variations of this idea promote the idea that the more systems you own, the more deploy-able CP you have, though maybe this would incur to many developmental changes within the game. It was discussed to me that ships built, but placed in a hangar would not count towards an CP cap as they are not deployed.

Having a global cp limit has already been suggested, though leaving the hangar out hasn't. Frankly, I understand the thought behind a limit of global cp, but don't understand why anyone would leave a loophole in that method. The reason for this suggestion was in the first place to avoid having to fight a mass of fleets, which can be cumbersome due to no card-selection in auto battle and the 1 attack per fleet per turn-rule. If you allowed infinitely big hangars, the AI would just continue storing the fleets that would otherwise be sent to the front.

Deszeraeth wrote:
Fix "Adaptive Industrial Systems" (100% Food surplus converted into Industry) so that it will only take surplus food when population no longer has space to grow. It is very annoying having to track down systems that have suffered from "Rapt0r" disease or the likes and scrap the converting building, allow the system to regrow for several turns, and rebuild the converting building after.

This has already been suggested.

Deszeraeth wrote:
Systems should not be able to be blockaded unless the defending fleets have been destroyed

This has been suggested in different versions, several times.

Deszeraeth wrote:
Invasions should pause when a defending fleet becomes present again, regardless if attacking or not. (Not sure how the current system works on this myself.)

Since originally single scouts could disrupt invasions, this was abandoned. This has been discussed to some extent, I believe.

Deszeraeth wrote:
Pre-game settings "Difficulty", "Game Speed", and last selected races (for AI) do not stay remembered for the next game like settings under "Galaxy" and both "Advanced" tabs do. It would be preferable that all pre-game settings save. (Perhaps there is a default text file that can be edited by players like there was in Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri! Just kidding, most people do not know how to do that anyway.)

This has already been suggested.

Please PM me to tell me whether you want to make the single thread suggestions for the not already suggested parts yourself or want me to do it, referencing your thread.

Moved to the archives as a composite suggestion.
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