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Highlight colonizable high level planets on galaxy map

Yes, if highlighting is done with colors (green instead of grey).
Yes, if highlighting is done with symbols (circles and rings).
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 11:47:48 AM
On the galaxy map there are three different colors currently used for the planet circle in star system view: Grey for colonizable but not colonized, red for not colonizable and blue for colonized.

My suggestion is to add green for "colonizable 1st class world" resulting in any terran, jungle and ocean planet which is not colonized being displayed as green circle instead of grey circle.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 12:11:50 PM
Eh, I see your point, but I disagree. The whole point of exploring and finding systems is to actually take a look in the system when you find it. When you do, and you see these great planets, make a note of them and try making your way towards them to colonize.

I like the galaxy map UI as it is. It's nice and simple and easy to grasp. Adding more colors would just lead to confusion, I think.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 3:21:11 PM
I agree with this suggestion, or something similar in the form of a system preview tooltip when hovering over the star in the galaxy view. Late game my system chugs to render the galaxy, resulting in about a two second hangup every time I right click out of a system view back to the galaxy view. I'd like to be able to hover my mouse over the system with three grey circles, only to be reminded that they are Barren, Asteroid, Arctic, and I can ignore them for a while.

There already exists a system preview in the form of the popup when you colonize a system, and also when you click on the system's happiness bar from the empire screen. So adding in a mouseover tooltip from the galaxy view should be doable.

One other option is to subtly color the little grey circles. Green tint for tier 1, yellow tint for tier 2, orange tint for tier 3, etc. Put a little red border around the ones that can't be colonized yet. Right now all planets are grey regardless of what they are or what size, so you can't tell anything about the system at a glance except for simply the number of planets in it. More information from the galaxy view would be good.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 5:41:13 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Adding more colors would just lead to confusion, I think.

I see your point. In GalCiv 2 there where different kinds of circles used to determine planet quality. So if we leave the colors as they are the solution could be drawing just a grey circle filled with black (like the letter O) for low quality planets and the fully opaque grey circle for high quality planets. You could draw a filled circle surrounded by another circle for the third tier if all three tiers should be made visible, as churgethoth suggested. What do you think?
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 5:49:58 PM
xyquas wrote:
I see your point. In GalCiv 2 there where different kinds of circles used to determine planet quality. So if we leave the colors as they are the solution could be drawing just a grey circle filled with black (like the letter O) for low quality planets and the fully opaque grey circle for high quality planets. You could draw a filled circle surrounded by another circle for the third tier if all three tiers should be made visible, as churgethoth suggested. What do you think?

I never played GalCiv 2, but I think I understand what you mean. I suppose something like that would work, but...

Personally, I'd prefer seeing things remain the way they are now. Considering how rare the Terran/Ocean/Jungle planets are anyway, and how prevalent the lower levels are, I don't quite see how it matters. If you want to expand, you have to pick a planet in a system to colonize. You have to work with what the game puts around your starting area, and being able to tell planet classes from the galaxy map just doesn't seem that useful at all to me. I'd still end up going into the system view to see if there were any anomalies on the planets that would influence my colonization choice.

A prime example happened last night: a system had a Jungle world with the toxic anomaly, and a Desert world had Garden of Eden. I wouldn't have known that just from the galaxy view, not without really complicating the dot system. I really this the system works just fine as it is.
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 11:00:09 PM
This is explicitly similar to /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13164-display-strategic-rating-for-uncolonized-systems and implicitly collected in /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11806-better-icon-feedback-for-systems-on-galaxy-map

Therefore this thread is added to the collection and moved to the archives.
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