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System Taxation Slider

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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 6:45:36 PM
This suggetsion is by messj and requestd to do a poll the suggestion is

messej wrote:
I realize this poll has ended, but this is something I've been considering for a while now - and here are MY solutions:

1) System by system tax slider - BUT....

2) Each system's slider has a "Lock" feature that prevents the empire level setting from effecting THIS system's slider (ie, this system is not to be considered by the Empire slider below - it's an exception to be handled manually by the player)

2a) The lock should be implemented by moving a slider up/down the system's approval bar (to lock this system at a given approval - within the 0% to 100% tax limits anyways - which will cause this system to attempt to keep the approval rating set by ITS approval lock regarcless of the empire setting.

2b) - or - Moving the system's TAX slider up/down the tax bar (which would remove the approval lock - and vice versa - one lock only) forcing this system to stay at the given tax rate - no matter the implications for approval rating or empire slider settings.

2c) a "USe Empire Setting" button (or icon/slider position/whatever) that removes the system override setting for this system and returns it to "empire control"

3) Each turn, when accrediting Dust to the empire bank, the "effective" tax rate needs to be calculated from the Local or Empire slider setting (either calculated based on target approval, or read from target tax rates) - in other words, the approval setting attempts to MAXIMIZE the tax rate that'll still provide the target approval rating or higher in each system with an Approval setting (either locally locked or implied from the empire setting if no local lock is set) - obviously no system can exceed 100% tax or fall below 0% tax - if the target approval rating is still being obtained at 100% tax - the slider stops there, and that system's approval will just have to be higher than targetted. Conversly, if a system's approval rating is still too low at 0% tax rate, it'll just have to do the best it can with whatever approval rating it ends up with until it's grown enough to allow a higher tax rate.

4) A button on the empire scren to clear ALL system locks (and make all systems conbform to empire settings) would probably also be helpful

Ramifications (ALL are VERY EXCELENT in my opinion - which is why I am suggesting this change)

1) System micromanagement is POSSIBLE, but NOT required -- locks allow you to make exceptions system by system, Empire settings allow you to set general policy

2) Being able to set a target approval rating and having tax rates adjust automatically means you can decide on the general level of PRODUCTIVITY in your empire, and allow each system's individual circumstances determine how much they pay you (The "I need you all to be building at a good rate - just pay the empire whatever's left after doing that" setting)

3) Setting the target approval (instead of tax) allows new systems (with no approval bonus items) to end up with tax breaks and maximized productivity; whereas well established systems (with many approval boosting developements) will be paying more taxes (but they have a higher standard of living too, so higher taxes ACTUALLY make sense to these people) -- THIS is actually how real life works (at least in principle - individual exceptions obviously exist) - in the USA we call it local and state taxes... New cities and towns actually have VERY low relative tax rates compared to old and established cities (it's obviously not all in the "state/local tax" percentage - often times it's hidden in the form of luxury item taxes, property taxes, garbage service taxes, etc - but if you actually compare percentages of tax being paid - wealthy/prosperous individuals GENERALLY pay a much higher percentage of their income to taxes than poor/less prosperous individuals do)

I'm not sure how to get this idea polled - so if it needs a poll, please give me a heads up on how to do it - thanks.

(Shouldn't need a poll though, since it provides methods for EVERYONE's taste - which is the WHIOLE POINT)

- For those that like the current tax slider - it's still there (just don't lock any systems - which is the default state - easy, right)

- For those that prefer to micromanage - feel free to lock and maintain every system - the empire slider won't have the least effect on you, you win too

- For most of us - we can use a blend of the two systems - let the empire handle the bulk, then manage the exceptions ourselves

-- This is the essence of a GOOD UI - as far as I can tell - everyone wins - so get to work implementing this ye land lubbing devs! (cracks a whip)...

==disclaimer== dear devs: the whip cracking was meant only in jest - I assume your intelligence and desire for profit will be more than enough motivation to get you implementing my brilliant idea as fast as possible without any threat of violence from me ;p <-- tongue wink = playful comment not to be taken toooo serriously - for those not familiar with my emoticons. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:00:01 PM
Voted for yes, it would be neat to pick out 1 or 2 systems to reduce their tax when stuff isn't going well there. Also I'm actually making a bump because 7 votes so far aren't exactly enough for the poll to be sufficient.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:22:00 PM
I like this idea, because maybe I don't like the people of (enter planet name), and I want to steal all there dust, but I don't want to tax my empire into ruin.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:18:49 PM
KnightHawk wrote:
You are not supposed to bump according to forum rules. /just saying :eek:

Well but the main purpose of my post wasn't bumping, it was a desired side effect :rolleyes:

And I think it's a little different if the polls which bear significant results get buried for too much time so there are too few votes left. What does the devs have from a 7 day poll when 7 people voted, no one can base a decision on that.

That's one reason why I suggested making a subforum for these significant polls.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:27:48 PM
KNC wrote:
Well but the main purpose of my post wasn't bumping, it was a desired side effect :rolleyes:

And I think it's a little different if the polls which bear significant results get buried for too much time so there are too few votes left. What does the devs have from a 7 day poll when 7 people voted, no one can base a decision on that.

That's one reason why I suggested making a subforum for these significant polls.

Just to add to KNC statement the Dev Team want to gauge the community response via a poll to any proposed suggestion or idea.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:21:43 PM
I voted "no" right now. And more than explaining why "no", I would like to say when I could vote "yes".

Right now, the actual building system allows us to build every system improvments in every systems. If it becomes much more difficult to build and push us to make choice and specialize to death our system, it could be interesting to have an individual tax rate for each system.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 7:04:14 PM
Photon_Ventdesdunes wrote:
I voted "no" right now. And more than explaining why "no", I would like to say when I could vote "yes".

Right now, the actual building system allows us to build every system improvments in every systems. If it becomes much more difficult to build and push us to make choice and specialize to death our system, it could be interesting to have an individual tax rate for each system.

I don't think that is the initial thought behind the system tax slider, I personally for example would primarily use it give conquered systems a morale bonus to get them to integrate into my empire faster.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 10:45:33 PM
KNC wrote:
I don't think that is the initial thought behind the system tax slider, I personally for example would primarily use it give conquered systems a morale bonus to get them to integrate into my empire faster.

I voted no because of this. I was wondering what people from your home system for example can think if as loyal as they are since the beginning, they have to pay much more than the rebels of another faction who joined by force your empire... I would be pretty angry smiley: smile

It's not so realistic.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 8:03:51 PM
Photon_Ventdesdunes wrote:
I voted no because of this. I was wondering what people from your home system for example can think if as loyal as they are since the beginning, they have to pay much more than the rebels of another faction who joined by force your empire... I would be pretty angry smiley: smile

It's not so realistic.

Maybe you could add in negative consequences for doing so. Might get a little complicated to implement though.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 6:26:20 AM
This feature is fairly important for the Empire without being able to control taxation system by system one of their racial ability is not very useful until very late in the game and only after you build every possible attitude increasing system improvement. With this in systems where anomalies and heroes make your people very happy you could increase taxing and get industry from it as well.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 4:31:20 PM
+1 from me. But I think that you should have an overal slider an the option to

make a other value via a system slider for a few systems.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 7:26:25 PM
Voted "Yes".

Systems should receive a proportionate approval penalty when another system in the empire has a lower tax than they do.
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