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[Composite] First thoughts

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12 years ago
Jul 1, 2012, 3:32:41 PM

finaly someone who tries to redo Ascendancy - thanks for the work!

First play was about 10 hours straight through the whole night, so you already do a lot of things right ;-)

  • I like to play on conquest / warfare, so here are my thoughts about that session:
  • single science discoveries have too big of an impact. There seem to be an exact plan you have to follow, and a few key techs without you can not compete, like the radio thingy that expands your influence like 5 times. That is too much guys.
  • science at all is key driver, even for a war faction. May be true in reality, but science has too big of influence on the game.
  • one of the key techs is the fleet cap limit, this will multiply your fleet strenght. from 5 to 30 or so, that is a lot too much. science should strengthen the faction, but wth. this is 5-6 times of a punch, without discovering anything else! choose a smaller gap, like 15-25 (still huge).
  • AI has perfect science and build execution even on lowest setting, just does not attack even if it could. wth?
  • jumping without routes comes too early and is too easy. why not enable it only with a huge and heavy warp-drive-engine, so the player has to do a tradeoff for the exceeded tactical possibilities.
  • an AI with 5 scouts does blockades of numerous star systems. stop that. 1. don't let enemy ships drive endless through enemy star systems. one star reached, wait for next turn. 2. don't let a single 1 day build wreckage ship blockade a 5 planet maxed out star system. I don't know how to deal with this, but this just sucks. 3. see the flying without routes is to easy note.
  • trade on the diplomacy screen is not working, I guess you know. however I don't see anything like spying, influencing, blockading trade routes aso. that would fit right in.
  • at one more winning scenario: extinction, be the only one left ;-)
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12 years ago
Jul 1, 2012, 4:38:17 PM
Don't want to dampen your enthusiasm but you should read the rules first.

  • Proposals start off as Suggestion. Please name your thread "Suggestion Topic". Topics with nonsense-titles will be moved to the archives without being linked.
  • If you post a proposal, post only one suggestion topic per thread. Mixtures of different topics like: "I want icecream for the amoeba and like my ships toasted with real beams, not pesky pew pew lasershots!", will be exiled into the archives without being linked anywhere, being tagged as Composite suggestion
  • Proposals that are found to be only a slight variant or even a duplicate of an older proposal, will be moved to the archives. They will be linked by a moderator-post inside the original proposal. Please refrain from willingly proposing duplicates. Spam of duplicates will be considered as an infraction and result in a warning by a moderator.
  • If proposals are recognized as originals by a mod or jetkar, they will be listed in the Summary of Suggestions and Ideas and get their title edited from Suggestion to Listed. To apply for a listing, you can hasten the process by making a post with a link to your thread and a summary of your proposal here.
  • Once proposals are recognized by the developers, they'll be tracked in this list and the devs will normally comment on the idea, when and if it will be implemented. The original thread will get a new title, from Listed to Tracked.
  • The final achievable status is, if an idea gets implemented into the game. The thread will then get the prefix Implemented.

  • [/LIST]

    You find them in the rules thread stickied in this section: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13097-proposal-submission-rules

    Only the first 3 ones are actual rules but your post manages to ignore all of them, next time take your time to search already made suggestions and don't put in several suggestions at once.

    As for your suggestions to give you a small heads up:

    Thardem wrote:
    • single science discoveries have too big of an impact. There seem to be an exact plan you have to follow, and a few key techs without you can not compete, like the radio thingy that expands your influence like 5 times. That is too much guys.
    • science at all is key driver, even for a war faction. May be true in reality, but science has too big of influence on the game.
    • one of the key techs is the fleet cap limit, this will multiply your fleet strenght. from 5 to 30 or so, that is a lot too much. science should strengthen the faction, but wth. this is 5-6 times of a punch, without discovering anything else! choose a smaller gap, like 15-25 (still huge).
    • AI has perfect science and build execution even on lowest setting, just does not attack even if it could. wth?
    • jumping without routes comes too early and is too easy. why not enable it only with a huge and heavy warp-drive-engine, so the player has to do a tradeoff for the exceeded tactical possibilities.

    Can't fully agree with all of these points, you should play more than 10 hours and one faction to get an idea of the impact of science. As for the fleet sizes, I played nearly 90 hours, finished several games with different factions but never had an issue with that. Also don't forget that you can't just go from 5 to 30 in a few rounds. And if you're falling behind that's your own fault, that's how these games work and I think you know.

    And the AI still has to be fine-tuned and a lot of suggestions have been made for that.

    • an AI with 5 scouts does blockades of numerous star systems. stop that. 1. don't let enemy ships drive endless through enemy star systems. one star reached, wait for next turn. 2. don't let a single 1 day build wreckage ship blockade a 5 planet maxed out star system. I don't know how to deal with this, but this just sucks. 3. see the flying without routes is to easy note.

      The devs know about this issue, has been reported and criticized dozens of times
    • trade on the diplomacy screen is not working, I guess you know. however I don't see anything like spying, influencing, blockading trade routes aso. that would fit right in.

      As you think, planned already
    • at one more winning scenario: extinction, be the only one left ;-)

      This is planned already

    Once again, I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, keep playing and browse the forums and you might be able to come up something no one else suggested so far.
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    12 years ago
    Jul 1, 2012, 5:44:20 PM
    It's always surprising how many unique suggestions come in.

    Anyways, as this is a suggestion list and we cannot work with those, anymore, I'll move it to the archives as a composite suggestion.
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