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Ships invading a planet take damage when invasion defences exists

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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 10:23:38 AM
Why do ships not take damage from heavily defended planets? If they were sitting out of range launching fighters then the planet would kill them and remove their ability to invade. Given there's a limited number of troops/ships/ordinance a fleet can carry I'm assuming that it's less of an 'Invasion' and more of a 'Total Annihilation' thing going on there. So given that, I don't understand why space faring civilizations haven't been able to develop defences that actually do something to ships orbiting within a solar system. Warp powered missiles? Standard inter-solar-system-missiles? Mines?

While we're on the topic - Why don't ships in the hangar don't contribute to a planets invasion defence? Maybe they shouldn't contribute their entire MP, but a ship in a planet hangar should be able to lead sorties, or destroy incoming ordinance/APC's etc. Maybe 1/5th of a hangered ships MP should be added to invasion defence, and they should take damage appropriately too, to prevent extreme turtling.

Planet defence needs to be looked at I think.
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12 years ago
Jul 2, 2012, 1:26:41 PM
I love this idea. The flavor text even implies the defense improvements are still somewhat offensive (e.g. guns, not just walls). To relate to everyone's favorite 4X, MOO's system improvements let you shoot back at the invading force. I realize invasion is handled differently in ES, but I want to see a bigger impact after investing in the defense improvements.

Can anyone clarify for me what happens to ships in the hangar when a system is invaded? An AI executed a nice sneak attack on one of my systems with a few cruisers in the hangar, and after they took over the system it had the hangar icon, but I couldn't seem to access my ships.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 4:46:40 AM
I agree with the planet defense, the people on the surface are not all going to stare in abject horror at an approaching fleet like turkeys in the rain, so to speak.

Well, maybe for a little while, but then someone down there gets their act together and puts up a fight.
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 5:11:39 AM
Ships can make relativistic kinetic strikes on planetary targets, then land the troops and mop up, make the kenetic strike packages cost extra to put on ships, but majorly improve invasion strength.

i would add planetary defense nets, like missile bases on the surface or in orbit, planetary rail cannons that fire into space, planetary shields, star wars Esq ion cannons, etc

make them star system improvements, but with big dust costs attached
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12 years ago
Jul 3, 2012, 7:11:07 PM
Similar to these suggestions: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12281-system-defence-and-orbital-structures

For the ships to take damage, we'd first need to have some orbital defenses. Planetary defense systems (especially on planets with atmospheres) are just too costly and ineffective, but that aside:

Thread has been linked to the summary thread of system defense suggestions and is moved to the archives.
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