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Right-click Compatibility - A Feature Request Plea

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12 years ago
Jul 4, 2012, 5:48:10 PM
This is a plea to aid our right-click muscle memory addiction. In virtually every game I play -- and for that matter almost every app I use on Windows, MacOS, et al -- the use of right-click has an almost ubiquitous meaning: "Give me an list of options or do some alternate action." Only in Endless Space, does it mean "Back up as if I had just pressed ESC". I've been playing the alpha and beta for months. But no matter how much my play helps to train or remind my right-clicking tendencies, every other app I run simply provides reinforcement for that long-standing habit: "Right click is a safe way to move forward" -- not a way to cancel and go back.

I have a fancy mouse and could remap the right-click button to actually do something else, but come on... really? If it was not the case that for some few actions that right-click is actually required -- like selecting a planetary target for movement, or dismissing a notification icon -- I'd give this option more serious consideration. I am most appreciative that the devs took community advice to make the ESC key work uniformly, consistently, and in a manner compatible with most other 4X, FPS, MMO, and diverse other games. I keep looking forward in each new release to finding some similar compensation for compatibility with use of right-click in the options menu that would disable it's use as an "ESC" key. I remain hopeful we'll someday see a means of disabling this distraction that detracts so much from gameplay enjoyment.
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12 years ago
Jul 4, 2012, 7:49:11 PM
MOBAs have taught me to right-click often. OTTD has taught me to right-click to look around.

Basically this is very annoying for me as well.
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12 years ago
Jul 4, 2012, 9:45:39 PM
It would be pretty nice to add in a drop menu for the right mouse button. Its nice to see the planets up close in your solar system every now and then but when you have an expansive empire, it can get tedious. While the Empire tab is nice to see what each solar system in your empire has or is doing, it doesn't help you visualize where each solar system is in relation to your front lines, if critical shipbuilding needs to be done. The right click menu adds in a more easy user interface that improves game play.

Thanks for reading

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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 4:19:11 PM
have to agree a right click contextual selection would be nice with a simple radial selection for options including 'go back' if u like
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 5:41:32 PM
I'm confused...What kind of menu could they add? Personally, I love the right-click to go back. I'm using it constantly to navigate screen faster, dismiss messages I don't need, and so on. Maybe I've just been playing longer and have the flow of the game down pat, but I don't think a right-click menu would be that helpful.

Dakacapo wrote:
It would be pretty nice to add in a drop menu for the right mouse button. Its nice to see the planets up close in your solar system every now and then but when you have an expansive empire, it can get tedious. While the Empire tab is nice to see what each solar system in your empire has or is doing, it doesn't help you visualize where each solar system is in relation to your front lines, if critical shipbuilding needs to be done. The right click menu adds in a more easy user interface that improves game play.

How would a right-click menu help here? In the Empire View, you can sort system by production, so you can find which places can throw out the ships the fastest if you need them that critically. And if you need them that critically, chances are you've already seen on the galaxy map where your front lines are and where you're in danger.
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 6:50:34 PM
Right click go back is fabulous.

God forbid they add a menu meaning my one click go back turns into click/select/click.
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 11:04:01 PM
A right click menu just makes it simpler to change productions on a solar system, where you can throw ships out the fastest is not always the best place to build them, as in it takes 10 turns for them to get to the front. For how I play, I hit escape to go back, not right click. So basically the right mouse button is useless to me, since for most games of this genre, its a menu button.

Even though the Empire View can sort the levels of production, it does not actually tell you where your systems are in relation. It seems better to me to be in the main screen and just be able to right click to change a production.
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