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Suggestion.: battle cards pause, and extension of end of battle by 5 sec

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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 4:13:27 PM
Dear forum.

I have 3 suggestions..:

1). When you are in a 3d battle with your ships then you can choose 3 different cards to play.

As you know you only have like 10 secounds to choose the first card and that is not much time to "read" and understand all the benefics of all your cards.

suggestion..: it would be nice if the game would pause when you are on the screen where you select the card you want to play. That way people have a chance to read and understand the cards more in detail rather than

having to pick one in a hurry.. Maybe allow players to choose this "feature" in the main menu or ingame the first time they play a battle.

2). In all battles there are 5 different rounds ( entry, long range, midium range, short range, and end of battle ).

- I often use missiles on my ships and very often they are very slow ( the first 2 missil tech you can get )

- if my ship is destroyed then I can always see that my missiles are flying and hit the enemy and often the enemy explode... But the problem is that I can see in the top right corner that the enemy get killed, but you do not see

the animation since the battle reach 100% and end.

Suggestion..: It would be nice if it was possible to extend the battle with 5 sec after the missile impact.. Then it will be possible ot see the explosion of the ship.

Either extend such an outcome by 5 sec, OR simply make the missiles travel a little faster ( i think that will do the trick )

3). In the 3d battle you can either see the cinematic video or use the free camera.

Suggestion..: It would be nice iif it was possible to choose a ship and "attach" a free moving camera to it. what i would like is simply the possibility to follow one of my ships from the side and see it fire and be hit.

it is ofcourse possible if i use the freelook camera but it would be nice if i could attach that camera to any ship that i want to track.
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 8:52:29 PM
yea i definetly agree with a pause when your selecting your card, especially in the beginning when you don't know what everything does!
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12 years ago
Jul 5, 2012, 11:16:56 PM
First: Please post suggestions in the proposal sections.

Second: Please post only one suggestion per thread there, as required by the /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12629-suggestion-pause-combat-while-chosing-battle-actions

You can (and maybe should) open a new thread to propose No. 2 and another for No. 3, since those haven't been proposed before, as far as I can remember. smiley: wink

Moved to the archives as a composite suggestion.
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