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Balance : economy and fleet

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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 11:40:42 AM

The game is great, but I think there's some balance to do with the economy and ship building/fleet assembling.

I came with two idea to help fix this :

FIRST IDEA - Increasing cost of higher module technology

Right now, the economy grow too fast, like this :


(just to illustrate the expansion of economy).

In fact, it's fine for me. But, what's not fine for me, is that the ship of higher technology don't cost enough. And then come the massive spam of ship.

I think the cost for higher technology module should be higher, preventing the spam of ship.

Let's see how it would work :

If 2 players fight each other, they have 2 options while building their fleet :

- Low level technology ship, which meant massive fleets.

- Higher level technology ship, which meant small fleets.

The game is building with ship levelling and becoming better, but if you just spam them, you don't really care when you lost 10 destroyers, because you are building 50 at the same time.

If your army was not that huge, but rather something like 12 destroyer, 6 cruiser and 2 capital ship, the lost of 1 destroyer would really hurt you. It would be more about fighting when you have your chances, rather than fighting because you can (meaning : 50 ships being build at the same time).

And then, retrofitting/upgrading your ships to the next level would be really important ! (and should cost a lot more, I guess).

Also, a ship of higher module technology who (example) cost 200 production, versus a ship of low level who only cost 50 :

The ship with 200 prod. should NOT be 4X time better than the 50 prod. Rather 1.5X better. Why ? Because you don't want to stuck everybody to building the higher module technology ships. People need to have the choice, if someone want to spam small ships, let's be it ! But if someone want the better ships, but a small fleet, a fleet he can upgrade an micromanage, so be it !

SECOND IDEA - Increasing/changing type of cost of ship

Actually, when you reach a certain cap, you can afford to pay 50/100/more dust to have massive fleets.

But what if it was more expansive ?

I have three idea of that :

- Increase the cost of dust per ship

- Chance the cost of dust per ship to a cost of food per ship

- Increase the cost of dust per ship based on his level of technology

Increase the cost of dust per ship

Pro :

Less ships.

Con :

Wouldn't solve the problem, when you loose your ships, you could still build them back.

Chance the cost of dust per ship to a cost of food per ship

Pro :

You couldn't spam ships without some problems.

Con :

Food is user per system, how to make it global ?

Still able to spam ships.

Increase the cost of dust per ship based on his level of technology

Pro :

It equilibrates this : someone who make a small amount of high level ships versus a spammer of low level ships

Con :

none (?)

Conclusion :

I think the cost of higher technology module should be higher.

The cost of ship in dust could be higher, maybe based on the level of the ships.

As an illustration/example, the difference from two module of the same type, like kineticks, should be something like that :

Kinetics I - 50 prod. - 1 power* (* meaning it's strength in battle)

Kinetics II - 200 prod. - 1.5 power

Special suggestion :

I would propose to add a iLevel to ships, which would represent the mean of the technology module of this ship.

This could really helps, and it would be something you want to spy ( = for the future add of spy ).
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12 years ago
Jul 6, 2012, 10:56:52 PM
I really think this is over thinking the situation, the problem is that it is difficult to destroy a lot of ships, so the solution is to change how we attack enemy fleets and how damage is applied.

Move the ability to attack from once per fleet to costing movement points, and allow ships to allocate the right amount of modules to a ship to kill it, thus preventing overkill.
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12 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 9:54:47 AM
What I'm trying to say, it's : there's too many ships later in game.

I will just wait for the mod support, and then change some value ^^
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12 years ago
Jul 7, 2012, 2:40:15 PM
First: Please post suggestions only in the proposals section. Since you're making two suggestions, I don't think this was meant to be a discussion.

Second: According to #2 of the proposal submission rules we do not accept more than one suggestion per thread. As such, this thread will be moved to the archives as a composite suggestion.
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