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Make excess food do something from the start of the game

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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 1:38:15 PM
It seems a shame when you've got a great food producing planet, but the system's full, and you end up switching it to industry or some other exploitation that it doesn't do as well as food. I'd like to see excess food sold off on the "galactic market" for 50% of its number in Dust.

The AI would probably benefit from this even more than the player.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 2:01:40 PM
It would be nice if you need to keep a certain amount of food to maintain population and then have the rest sold off.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 3:20:24 PM
I think increasing dust production would hurt an already shaky economic structure. Maybe every multiple of food the colony needs could give +happiness, so if the colony is at max population and needs 20 food per turn and you have +60 food surplus it could give like +15 happiness(+5*(60/20))
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 3:24:11 PM
Raven wrote:
It would be nice if you need to keep a certain amount of food to maintain population and then have the rest sold off.

You do, it's taken into account automatically. However, you can't do anything with the excess, even if you have other systems starving.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 3:38:19 PM
Kareal wrote:
I think increasing dust production would hurt an already shaky economic structure. Maybe every multiple of food the colony needs could give +happiness, so if the colony is at max population and needs 20 food per turn and you have +60 food surplus it could give like +15 happiness(+5*(60/20))

I usually sell my food improvements late-game when every system except my borders are at full population and have never noticed any approval issues (I usually observe a system is ready, and sell off everything in one go). I would notice it as usually my expansion disapproval it shaky at the stage, and on a fine balance point between my tax rate and approval boosting improvements (I rarely have approval surpluses in heroless systems).

That said, the late-late-late right hand tech tree improvement to convert all food surplus is awesome. I'd love for a similar improvement to be worked in somehow and balanced mid-game smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 6:36:14 PM
hmm maybe your surplus when the system reaches max pop could go towards a minor empire wide growth bonus to represent the food being shipped to needed systems?
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 6:41:52 PM
flipstar wrote:
That said, the late-late-late right hand tech tree improvement to convert all food surplus is awesome. I'd love for a similar improvement to be worked in somehow and balanced mid-game smiley: smile

It would be best if somewhere earlier along the line was an improvement that allowed for 20 or 25% conversion. Or, to keep things simple, make it available from the start, just like Ind->Tech and Ind->Dust conversion.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 7:07:42 PM
I also think to a degree if you have a system with max population its either not very good(1 planet) or you are doing something wrong with tech/production, there is a mid-game point before terraforming or population increasing buildings where your planets might max, but you probably want to be building colony ships to either colonize new systems or new planets in older systems.
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