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Colonization overhaul

Approve, but with certain changes (tell us which)
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 11:28:42 AM
Alright. I think that's the feature I am most interested in at the moment and I am willing to see if it will be implemented.

Different species have different physiology. I am sure that most of the sci fi fans agree that aliens can be much more different from us than we can imagine. For example, there are different types of atmosphere. Oxygen-based atmosphere is obligatory for humans, while nytrogen-based atmosphere will be lethal for humans to breathe. It works in reverse for other species, Sophons maybe? Gravity and temperature vital requirements work the same way. What I propose:

1. Add 2 more parameters for each planet - atmosphere and gravity (gravity being removed from anomalies). Game already has temperature, so overall we will have 3 parameters with different combinations - high gravity arctic with carbon atmosphere; low gravity lava with carbon; medium gravity terran with oxygen and so on and so on.

2. Set preferences for each faction. Preferences mean that there is special graduation that gives +/- approval and FIDS bonuses for each specific faction according to planet type - factions will look differetly on planets:

Amoeba are water based creatures. Temperature parameters (graduation from best to worst) - Ocean (best), Terran, Tundra, Jungle, Arctic, Arid, Barren, Desert, Lava. Gravity parameters - low gravity, medium gravity, high gravity. Atmosphere - nytrogen, oxygen, carbon.

Humans may have another set. Temperature parameters - Terran, Arid, Tundra, Ocean, Jungle, Desert, Arctic, Barren, Lava. Gravity - medium, low, high. Atmosphere - oxygen, nytrogen, carbon.

3. Expand the exploration tech tree. Add ability to research the ways to colonize different types of atmospheres and gravity, just like how we have different researches for each temperature type.

4. Add limits. For certain species, specific parameters on planets can be lethal. For example, amoebas limit would be high temperature planet types (desert and lava); human's limit would be inability to live in carbon based atmosphere. Even if human faction has researched the tech needed to settle on [arid,mediumgravity,carbonatmosphere] planet, they will recieve a harsh penalties for settling there. Limits mean that only one small outpost can be built on said planet with 1 population max. How to change the situation? Read further.

How it will improve the gameplay?

1. Game will change significantly as now the game won't be just about "my corner of the Galaxy vs your corner". Players and AI will actively explore the map in search for suitable colonies as system of preferences, technology advancement and limits will require them to settle on right planets to expand. Right now it is blue influence area on the top of the map vs red influence area down. With this suggestion it will have blue and red clusters all over the Galaxy with relatively big blue and red areas (core regions with himeworld at centre).

2. System trade will get much much more significant.

3. Terraforming will become very important as it will be the only way to avoid limits and optimize the systems to your taste.

4. Actual heavy fights over resources OR massive use of trade as there is a chance that you will not be able to colonize some of the resourceful planets nearby.

5. Both singleplayer and multiplayer will become much more flexible. Now it won't be about who makes more fleets, but who is better at strategy, science, economy AND makes more fleets smiley: smile

Of course, this suggestion requires discussion, polish and tuning.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 5:32:05 PM
MOO3 had this feature and I hated it. You got stuck in a game that only consisted of terraforming and where you had to invest dozens of turns for getting a usable planet. Disapprove from me.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 5:33:35 PM
There is a definite positive side to the current system, everyone is after the same planets, which makes the strategy much more competitive.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 5:41:58 PM
I prefer the current system. ES is just not big enough (in terms of galaxy map, tech tree, fleets, ...) for anything that more or less limits you to certain planets. The way the game works, you have to colonize the planets surrounding your home system cause you only have access to strategic and luxury ressources if you are linked with them. Good starting planets are rather rare, it should be made worse by adding more parameters.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 6:38:32 PM
nachtnebel wrote:
I prefer the current system. ES is just not big enough (in terms of galaxy map, tech tree, fleets, ...) for anything that more or less limits you to certain planets. The way the game works, you have to colonize the planets surrounding your home system cause you only have access to strategic and luxury ressources if you are linked with them. Good starting planets are rather rare, it should be made worse by adding more parameters.

Indeed. Space Empires got away with it by having upwards of 12 planets in a system, and almost always one of them was something you could colonize strait away.
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12 years ago
Jul 9, 2012, 7:29:13 PM
First: Please post suggestions only in the proposals section.

Second: Making planet stats race dependent, which is effectively what you're proposing, has already been suggested here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12312-race-planet-type

This thread has been linked to the former and is moved to the archives.
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