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[Composite Suggestion] System Management Suggestions

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Smart build
Planet waypoints
Anomaly Reduction popup
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 11:06:21 PM
>Allow players to hide possible build improvements

-Deals with the clutter that builds up mid-late game.

Ex: an all lava planet system doesn't care about sustainable farms. It just makes it a pain to find the improvements that you do care about.

>Smart build option display: if a system gets no benefit from something, gray out the icon

-Moon improvement buildings on a system with no moons, if you terraform a planet and are no longer getting a benefit from a previous improvement

Note: make the icons still clickable if you want to build them, just let a user easily identify relevant improvements

>Planet waypoints: Automatically send ships built in a system to a star system (skips hanger)

-Reduce micromanagement/automate repetitive task

Ex: You have a few powerhouse systems deep inside your cluster pumping out ships. You need to get them to your chokepoint system as soon as possible, but have to manually make every unit into a fleet and send it to the edge of your empire.

>Anomaly Reduction Popup: When you gain the tech to reduce an anomaly, all planets with that anomaly appear in a notification

-Prevents hunting down those planets that you can now fix

Side note: Hyperspace travel lines had me confused for a while. It wasn't clear when I started why I couldn't move along the swirly lines vs the straight lines. Maybe add a tooltip?

Thoughts? I love the game, but these are just a few suggestions that have been bothering me.
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12 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 1:30:14 AM
I'm glad you guys like them. These are just a few of the things I have noticed could be improved in the game. I'll post another one of these in a bit.
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12 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 3:57:03 AM
I would add resizing of the development box. I easily have enough room to display all the system development options without scrolling if I could just expand the box horizontally.


- It seems to me that the smart build is already there. Except rather than being greyed out the item simply doesn't appear.

- Anomaly popup - popup is good but I wouldn't mind visual cues on the empire management page and/or the map page (different color for the planet).
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12 years ago
Jul 11, 2012, 2:39:53 PM
First: Please post suggestions only in the proposals section.

Second: According to the proposal submission rule #2 posting of different suggestions in one thread ends with the thread being archived as a composite suggestion. This thread will be archived as such.

Third: All the four different things you suggest have already been suggested.
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