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New fixed camera views in battles please?

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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 8:49:21 AM
I cant see what the heck is going on in my battles and its even worse with the new free camera - I seem to constantly spend the whole battle trying to move around the free camera to see what is going on. What I would like to suggest is a few fixed cameras that you can quickly scroll through much the same as there are in most flight sim games these days.

Could we possibly have a camera following the players fleet tracking the enemy fleet so you can see what is happening to both fleets concurrently?

Could we possibly have a camera the opposite to this - following the enemy fleet but tracking the players fleet in the distance?

Could we have a flyby camera that is fixed in front of the direction of movement of the player fleet but that pans around to keep the fleet in view as it moves past the camera?

And could we have a top down view that moves with both fleets, keeping both fleets in view, and that can see all the action from above?

If possible these cameras should be set up on the F1-F4 keys or similar. This would give me all the control I would need to see the action quickly.

A final camera might be called the action camera and this would constantly move around watching close up anything interesting that is about to happen - missiles being launched, missiles and guns hitting their targets, ships on fire and spiralling out of control, etc.

At the moment the existing cameras seem to be all over the place and I really would like to be able to see all the action that you have painstakingly created for us!! Cheers.
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