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Way to know if things are left undone

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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 2:38:19 PM
Perhaps I'm the only one but I often find I've forgotten to do something. I'm pretty good about it so it's usually only for a small number of turns but it happens many times during a game (especially long games with lots of fleets/systems) so I fear it adds up and really ends up putting me at a disadvantage. It would be nice if the game let you know that things have been left undone. For example:

Prompt you if you try to end turn and:

1) A fleet has no orders. This may require a new fleet order to "wait" if you actually want a fleet to sit there and do nothing though I'm not sure why you couldn't just set it to one of the existing options to avoid being prompted.

2) A system is producing nothing. Again I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to make anything but if there is a need for that then maybe make a "Do Nothing" option for production that can be explicitly picked with an infinite production time to avoid being prompted by a particular system.

3) No tech is being researched. Not sure why you'd actually want to do this either but if there is a need then an explicit "No research" option might be nice as well.

Of course you can always just ignore the end turn prompt but it would be nice if the game warned you of these things.

Those are the biggest ones but I also find that I sometimes leave ships in the hangers and forget to create fleets with them which would be nice if I was warned also though maybe others actually like to do that intentionally. Heck even having the game suggest you might want to redesign a ship class if its components are more than one generation old might be nice.

I'm still pretty new to the game and maybe I've just missed something that does this sort of thing (or maybe I'm just the only one that forgets this stuff) but overall I really love the game... I haven't had this much fun playing a space game since MoO 2! Great work!
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 3:59:43 PM
1) I really have nothing else to say other than, I usually just click where I want a ship to go and it goes there.

2) is already in game, in the galaxy view each system has a build icon, if it is blank then system is building nothing.

3) is also in game, the upper icon in the top left which usually displays your research streams "no research".

Unless I am completely missing your suggestions then I apologize.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 4:13:51 PM
Lyability wrote:
1) I really have nothing else to say other than, I usually just click where I want a ship to go and it goes there.

2) is already in game, in the galaxy view each system has a build icon, if it is blank then system is building nothing.

3) is also in game, the upper icon in the top left which usually displays your research streams "no research".

Unless I am completely missing your suggestions then I apologize.

Same here. smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 5:29:01 PM
I don't understand your response to 1) at all. I fully understand how to move a fleet from point A to point B. Perhaps I explained it poorly. Lets say I'm going through my systems list and I notice ships in hangers so I click down the list and create fleets for all of them. Then I go off and do something else and I look around the map to see where my fleets are. Maybe I just don't notice one fleet sitting there that hasn't been issued an order. Maybe there was already a fleet guarding that system so the new fleet with no orders shares it's icon on the galaxy map and so again I don't notice it. Then I end turn thinking everything is done and it maybe I notice that neglected fleet next turn and maybe not. It would be nice if they game said "Hey! You have a fleet that you launched but didn't set to guard or tell to go anywhere or anything... is this really what you meant to do?"

2 and 3. I'm aware you can look to find all the info in the game but the point is sometimes you don't notice them. I believe the build icon you speak of depends on the zoom level of the galaxy view (if I'm correct in what I believe the galaxy view to be). You can also click on the system list and it will say in the chart that it isn't building something. When you have a ton of systems though it's possible to not notice that one isn't making something and I've managed to not notice I wasn't researching anything so it would be nice just to be warned when you end turn.

Apparently I am the only one who doesn't notice these things though as even the suggestion seems quite alien to you so it's no big deal. No point wasting the time making changes to the game for one user.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 6:07:20 PM
There is an actual warning that will stop you from ending your turn with #3. Go into the options and somewhere there is a "lock end of turn warnings" option.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 6:29:48 PM
I actually registered just to raise the same problem abouit 1 & 2. It's way too easy to forget about a ship or star system that's idle. In many 4x games, like Civ, it won't let you advance your turn if a city is not producing or you haven't given an order to a unit. I would love to see the same restriction in this game, because it's frustrating to find out you forgot to build an exploitation or your exploring fleet has been idle for a few turns because you forgot about them.

Sure, you can see what your systems are doing by looking at them, but when I have dozens of stars I don't always notice. Since this is already implemented for science, is it really such a stretch to apply it to ships and systems too?
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:12:45 PM
Systems not building things isn't a huge deal, as I think it automatically converts the overflow (there is a 1-turn buffer) into dust.

As for ships not moving: people frequently leave ships idle intentionally, so I know I wouldn't want an end of turn warning on that condition.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 7:43:06 PM
Draco18s wrote:
Systems not building things isn't a huge deal, as I think it automatically converts the overflow (there is a 1-turn buffer) into dust.

As for ships not moving: people frequently leave ships idle intentionally, so I know I wouldn't want an end of turn warning on that condition.

A system not building something if it goes on for long enough could make that system extremely vulnerable even if you have been getting dust from it. Just because you're getting SOMETHING doesn't mean it's not a big deal.

If you want a fleet to idle you would simply tell it to guard or sleep or something (thereby giving it a standing order) and then you would never again be warned about it unless you explicitly woke it up and didn't give it any new orders. Furthermore if you're so against end of turn warnings maybe the first time it pops up there could be a box that said "never show me this again" and/or a setting in the options or something.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 8:45:50 PM
Asmodai wrote:
A system not building something if it goes on for long enough could make that system extremely vulnerable even if you have been getting dust from it. Just because you're getting SOMETHING doesn't mean it's not a big deal.

If you want a fleet to idle you would simply tell it to guard or sleep or something (thereby giving it a standing order) and then you would never again be warned about it unless you explicitly woke it up and didn't give it any new orders. Furthermore if you're so against end of turn warnings maybe the first time it pops up there could be a box that said "never show me this again" and/or a setting in the options or something.

Yea, this is what I was thinking. Here are some possible options:

1) Rest until healed: The fleet idles until it is fully healed.

2)Idle indefinitely: self explanatory.

3)Idle for X turns: Idle until a certain number of turns pass.

4)Idle until neutral/enemy fleet enters vision

5)Skip turn: fleet idles for one turn.
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