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AI and System Dev.

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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 1:02:44 AM
This game is just awesome and sooo addictive | btw sorry - in advance- for my english |

but as turns pass kinda gets tiring with all that micro managements u have to do on each turn checking n stuff,

for now,2 reasons made me join this forum

(1) AI , regardless on what role u put them they build w/e they want

and the most annoying is that, lets say we have 2 Lava planets on a system

and a Dev-"sustainable" gives | +2 smiley: food -2 smiley: dust | for w/e planet xept Lava but the AI still builds it.

Also the roles on AI are few and their "actions" too general.

xept those 4 individual resources roles i believe should be another one for focusing/balancing generally all smiley: fids together .

Anyway i understand tuning AI must be nightmare but i believe it worth it .

till now i have 10+ system and i hardly manage all them 1by1, i cant imagine at 20+ systems .

(2) System dev, i believe would help A LOT, is adding a box next to Development to drag n drop all those tech/buldings u dont want ,

i mean after 40% of tech tree, the dev box its full and u recheck each system , each developments again and again,

for example after system's population reach its full u scrap those + smiley: food devs and they reappear at the dev box,

so just drag/drop those devs and minimize the box ,keeping clean the dev box to notice new techs, here s a pic what i mean.

Game needs lot of improvement but with the community's support (as i see rapidly grows) i believe it can become the best space strategy game!

But that... manual combat phase...so .. BOring and useless (please forgive me) ,but it has no difference than "Auto" xept that u chose some cards, and u see some beams? flying around the galaxy, i mean wtf

, pity for those good graphics, at least put a pause at arriving phase so we can at least think strategy.

in my humble opinion ,try to come up with some ideas that would make the manual combat more interesting and fun, and more "manual" with some strategic/rpg elements.

thanks in advance and i hope - if no one else hasnt post similar suggestions - to be put into consideration as i strongly believe , it would help a lot
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 1:31:15 AM
I totally agree on your first 2 points. The system production AI is horrible at prioritizing and also build many things that actually HURT your FIDS production. Also the 2nd point about being able to separate out, or hide, those improvements which you do not ever want to build in a certain system is a fantastic idea. I like the manual combat option how it is though. I think the cards add a nice hands-on touch to combat without making it too RTS-like. Also, smart use of cards can really turn a battle around.
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 1:41:52 AM
thanks , and y well i dont mean controlling the ship or pointing where to shoot but at least the human player should have a bit more influence on the outcome of the battle,

i remember having a 20/80% at total war like games and winning only cuz of strategy, feel me? :P

btw the cards u and the AI opponent selects is like playing rock-paper-scissor ??
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 8:56:42 PM
I was just gonna post something similar to this. Just the AI improvement would likely (assuming they're linked) significantly improve enemy computer performance.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 9:37:15 AM
I ll stick on comments for the battle this time. Although battle systems is fun it tends to be predictable since AI focus his ships with only one weapon type (usually missiles at least on my games) and no defence at all. I stock mine with beams and thats it not even phase 2. On thing i can suggest for that is limit on gun hardpoints (and defence). Also i would like to see the ability to give some benefits on some weapons (like continous beam on beam weapons) or special abilitys like ion beams burning enemy systems thus disabling enemy ships (and capture perhaps?? lol)
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 5:05:46 PM
y ive noticed that too , enemy ai focus on 1 module .

btw having admirals in a fleet it would be cool if heroes had also some "active" abilities not only passives like defense/offense.

also i want to know if my (2) suggestion has any luck to get ig as i noticed lots other members suggested it too.
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