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Building menu suggestion

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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 7:02:20 AM
I wanted to suggest an improvement to the build menu: Allow buildings to be placed in a secondary ignore-me queue on a system-by-system basis.

I find that as systems finish their current projects, I go to look at the available buildings and need to scan through and remake the same decisions about what not to build each time. No, I won't be building Sustainable systems, no I won't be making any military improvements here (but I might elsewhere) and .. Endothermic structures?? There isn't even any planets below medium here!

You could take things out of the queue any time to build it later. It might also be nice to have an option to place in build queue or place in ignore queue at each planet upon research. That Planetary institute will be going everywhere eventually.

I've also seen suggestions around to remove industry->whatever and just have a slider that apportions unassigned build queue capacity to those conversions. I'd like to second that idea.
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