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Unique Images for Each Ship Class?

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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 4:08:13 PM

The problem, as I see it, with the current ship images is that the player cannot see at a glance whether he/she has sent his/her newly designed warship to fight of some pesky pirates or accidentally a propagator. The images displayed for fleets of the same race are all the same, an unfortunate fact. I have never encountered a game where there aren't unique images for each of the units; it seems that this could speed up gameplay, especially on a multiplayer format because the player would not need to click on each fleet to see which ships are in it.


1. A simple solution would be to add images similar to the ship classes for each individual ship class. This would allow easy view of what ships are where with a quick glance on the galaxy screen.

2. The difficulties arise with fleets of multiple ship classes. For this, I would suggest an image with miniature versions of each of the ship class present in the fleet. Even more information could be added by displaying the number of each class present with small numerals overlayed across each of the miniature images.

3. Further problems could include the use of one ship class for multiple designs. If for example, I use my Adenon ship class to create two different ship designs, let's say, one with extra missiles and one with stronger kinetics, I would be unable to distinguish the two. A possible solution to this would be to add further information overlayed (or perhaps next to) the new images. They could give MP a glance or even Kinetics, Beam, and Missile strength for each class of ship in the fleet.
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