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SUGGESTION Improve Ground combat

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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 8:10:38 PM
There is a thread for this, although in the wrong forum, if i read the sticky correctly.

Therefore i made this one. I hope i did everything right.

Up to now most people wanted to make ground-combat more interesting, by introducing little videos and some more control over battles,

by adapting a Galciv2-like system on the invasion strategy.

Igncom1 wrote:

Id like to see a cinematic when you win an invasion (In the style of the other ones) Of troops rolling through streets and battles throughout the city, finally your troops put your flag at the top of the capital building and victory is declared! Id like your empires technology and your fleets invasion mods to change the cinematic as well, with troops using better weapons and bombardment taking out fortifications.

shintsu wrote:

Maybe add some options where you can chose to do a quick and dirty grab that will destroy improvements and civilians while if you chose the other route less damage will be done but it takes a lot longer to achive

AtomSoldat wrote:
You could perhaps have first the attacker and then the defender choose a general strategy when a system comes under attack.

The efficiency could be determined by racial traits and the commander's abilities. It would be good if you could switch strategies,

if you suddenly need to take a system faster than you expected, or if your reinforcements arrive and your scorched-earth-policy is no longer required.



Orbital Bombardment: Bomb everything to bits. Wrecks the planets, but very fast acquisition-speed and only somewhat expensive.

Collaboratuers: Attempt to win part of the System's population over to your cause. Some damage, slow acquisition, very expensive

Mass Assault: Your soldiers invade the planet directly. Minor damage, some boni on acquistion speed ( more/less if your empire has fearless/feeble warriors) somewhat expensive.

Blockade: Your ships prevent all vessels from entering or exiting the system. No damage, very slow acquisition, inexpensive.


Scorched earth: Your troops blow up anything worthwile to the enemy. Damage to the planet, acquisition slightly slowed.

Organized defense: Attempt to repulse the attackers from the system. Acquisition speed slowed ( or perhaps even reversed, depending on the enemy's ships and your defenses? ), expensive.

Guerilla-Warfare: Train the local population to hamper the invaders wherever they can. Acquisition somewhat slowed, somewhat expensive, depletes population.

No resistance: Order the population to remain calm, there is absolutely no reason to panic. Normal acquisition-speed.
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