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Planet/System Bombardment.

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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 8:42:48 PM
I think it would be nice if we could bomb planet as an alternative to invading. So when a person bombs a planet or system it randomly destroy improvements and/or decrease population size. There could be special ships and/or modules need to perform a bombardment and there could be special defense structures that would minimize and/or stop the damage. What does everyone else think about this?
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 8:46:49 PM
Well you theoretically do both, but in the end, unless there is a large penalty to bombing a wold (Like destroying resources, and civil unrest because your causing genocide) why would you ever not do it and just recolonize?
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 8:58:48 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well you theoretically do both, but in the end, unless there is a large penalty to bombing a wold (Like destroying resources, and civil unrest because your causing genocide) why would you ever not do it and just recolonize?

Say for instance your fighting a stronger empire then your own or if you just don't want to colonize. Like if your exploring with a small fleet and you stumble across new race you could bomb there colony and continue exploring. I think it would add a hit-and-run type of strategy to the game.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 9:03:40 PM
Like a sort of temporary malus you can inflict on a system? Possibly, I guess it would be similar to Civlisations bombardment command.

I am not sure, but it could be a cool idea (Reducing the local defense before or during an invasion).

I had a similar idea a while back about an invasion 'push' giving a possibility of reducing capture time but at the risk of increasing it should the 'push' fail, somehow.

I am going to need a more detailed idea before I go to agree unfortunately.
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 12:27:58 AM
Here's an example I like. The act of bombardment would need a module that would be put on ships(one per ship). This module would be attached to a tech and a resource, you could upgrade the module by researching new techs the way the current system is for ship modules. Once all the pre-requirement are met you can build a ship that can bomb enemy systems. The bombardment would destroy improvements, decrease population, cause system disapproval(this would recover 2 or 3 turns after the ships are gone), and if you are invading a bombardment would reduce the turns it would take to complete the invasion.The damage to improvements, population, and disapproval would be subject to how many bomber modules are in the fleet and how advanced the modules are. Bombardment in an invasion would simply reduce the numbers of turns needed to complete the invasion by 1. To put all this together in a nice, neat, little package, a single system can only be bombed once per-turn. So no matter if you got a stack of 10 fleets in a system and each fleet has ships with bomber modules only one of those fleet can actually preform the bombardment on the system each turn.

This is just a rough idea, I dont no anything about game development just really like ES.
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 12:45:31 AM
What would be the reasons not to use it?
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 5:19:15 AM
Here wrote:
Here's an example I like. The act of bombardment would need a module that would be put on ships(one per ship). This module would be attached to a tech and a resource, you could upgrade the module by researching new techs the way the current system is for ship modules. Once all the pre-requirement are met you can build a ship that can bomb enemy systems. The bombardment would destroy improvements, decrease population, cause system disapproval(this would recover 2 or 3 turns after the ships are gone), and if you are invading a bombardment would reduce the turns it would take to complete the invasion.The damage to improvements, population, and disapproval would be subject to how many bomber modules are in the fleet and how advanced the modules are. Bombardment in an invasion would simply reduce the numbers of turns needed to complete the invasion by 1. To put all this together in a nice, neat, little package, a single system can only be bombed once per-turn. So no matter if you got a stack of 10 fleets in a system and each fleet has ships with bomber modules only one of those fleet can actually preform the bombardment on the system each turn.

This is just a rough idea, I dont no anything about game development just really like ES.

Seems nice, so far! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 8:38:18 AM
jetkar wrote:
This has already been suggested and listed here by the Dev Team and will be developed in game

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12 years ago
Sep 27, 2012, 11:54:33 AM
jetkar wrote:
This has already been suggested and listed here by the Dev Team and will be developed in game

Thanks for the find, i missed it...
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