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suggestion: Carriers and frigates? moving weapons?

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12 years ago
Aug 4, 2012, 7:00:23 PM
Would it be possible to add more ships to the tech-tree?

1- Carriers. Which could have 0 offensive capability themselves, but good defence. Then they could carry either "fighters", "troops" or "drones".

The fighters would be small 1-man vehicles that do damage to enemy ships.

The troops could be a requirement to take over an enemy system. to counter this option only being available late-game, troops could also be carried by the colony ships, which when built could choose between a colony, or troop-transport module, except carriers later game would be better as it would offer greater capacity and protection.

The drones could offer supportive roles, such as shielding and repairs during fights.

This would ensure it isn't just adding more generic ships, but a unique element that could be a major game changer.

For one, revamping the system takeover method would provide more realism into supply lines and troop movement. While i acknwledge this is a space-oriented game, it should not surrender ground elements.

Carriers also provide for greater options when creating fleets. A fleet could have more offensive ships for example, and a carrier or 2 to provide extra defence.

They could also be larger than dreadnaughts, and if wanted, a cap on the amount one empire can have?

2 Frigates was another thought i had, but i could think of no unique use, but they would provide more ship diversity, and could be used to lengthen the time to get to the best ships, but still with steady advancement.

3- Finally, could ships themselves be made so that in combat you could see weapons distinguished on the ships, which would move when they fire. Not sure about other people, and the graphics are amazing, but it'd be nice to see the ships actually fire from weapons...
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12 years ago
Aug 4, 2012, 8:37:01 PM
1) You'll be glad to know that the devs are cooking some nice carriers, then! Not that I agree, but well, they're still coming so I'll have to learn and do with them.

2) I'm not sure if it'd bring anything new to the table really.

3) I'm against the idea of seeing exterior weapon modules for the same reasons I'm against carriers. This game has a nice ship a the line feel, which would be broken in my opinion with the inclusion of visible modules. And it makes sense: why expose your weaponry when you can hide (and protect) them inside the very hull of the ship?
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12 years ago
Aug 4, 2012, 10:31:31 PM

Any intel on how carriers will be played?

will they just be ships you build as standard or will there be some different element (like with holding fighters / drones / troops)?
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12 years ago
Aug 5, 2012, 2:51:17 AM
Sentiel wrote:

Any intel on how carriers will be played?

will they just be ships you build as standard or will there be some different element (like with holding fighters / drones / troops)?

We have no information at how they will be implemented, or when.
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12 years ago
Aug 5, 2012, 3:03:54 AM
I wonder if it will just be a big tank/support ship, OR, more interestingly deploy fighters though out the battle protoss carrier style?
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